A Woman Against the System [A Movie Review]

I wasn't sure about this movie but I'm really glad I gave it a chance, as it is one of the most interesting films I've seen in a while.

The story kicks off with a lone woman sabotaging some high tension power lines on the mountains of Iceland.

No, she's not crazy, she has an agenda of her own and her reasons get clear as the movie progresses. There's no need for me to spoil it and ruin the story for you.

This film is a very good mix of comedy and drama. The plot is captivating and the constant humorous feel of the movie make it impossible for the viewer to simply put it away without seeing what comes next.

As we accompany the daily adventures of this woman against the establishment, the director offers us an unique approach to the soundtrack. All through the movie, you will see a group of musicians playing in the most strange places. Adding a little bit of fantasy to the story, these characters will have some interaction with the main character of the story. 🤗

I was very surprised by that. It's definitely something that I had never seen before.


Woman at War (2018), by Benedikt Erlingsson: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7279188

Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir stars as the main character in the plot and she is really fantastic from beginning to end. She actually plays two roles as Halla and Ása, the two twin sisters in the story.

Since this is an Icelandic film, you will need the subtitles.

Most of the movie is filmed on the gorgeous landscapes of Iceland, which adds a stunning visual vibe to the whole picture. The last part of the movie was filmed in Eastern Ukraine.

I rate this with a 8.5 out of 10. It's a very original story with a compelling argument.


Bang, even on HIVE I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Sorry, no beers or deranged or trdo yet... waiting on steem-engine to make the move to HIVE...
Re-birth of a contest... check it out

Hello friend, the title sounds good. I will see and tell you later what I think about.
Happy Easter :)

Awesome. Let me know if you like it.

Excellent post, I got pretty distracted reading it and it is very interesting, it was worth it, regards 🐻⚡🚀

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Thanks a lot for your visit and comment.

Sounds like an interesting film - tx for the info :)

You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by.

the movie was really good. I like the way it uses music. There were references to the earth-human relationship, and it introduced a strong critique of modernity. replacing "beautiful bodies" with ordinary, even disturbing body views. I loved . Thanks for sharing, my friend..

Thanks a lot for your visit and comment. I liked it a lot, too. 😄

It sounds like an interesting movie. Will try it out

Awesome. I hope you like it.

Sounds interesting! I will watch it on this weekend :)

Cool. Where do you watch your movies?