Should I Return to Writing about Movies?

My Movies.png

Lately I have felt that people aren't that interested in my content any longer.

Eventhough I have been active on Hive on a(n almost) daily basis for over 5.5 years and I do my best to interact and to spread postivity and words of encouragement all around, I seem to get little interaction ( and few valuable upvotes ), aside from votes and some comments from my favorite groupies. Now I know that there's more to Hive than upvotes, but it still affects me ( as a hypersensitivosaurus ) and it makes me question what I'm doing on here.

Now the aforementioned might be due to the bear market ( I posted a series of short - and in my opinion - funny posts about this, that you can find by checking out yesterday's The Bull Market - The Week After the Egg-cident ) or it might just be that my content isn't seen as that valuable ( story of my life as a creative ). In any case, I would understand.

I'm curious though if it is indeed the latter ( do I really want to hear this haha! ) and - if so - I am willing to adapt, eventhough I know that I should actually share the stuff that I feel like sharing ( will keeping doing that too, for sure ) instead of adapting too much to the 'market'.

Then again, as those who have had me on their radar for a handful of years will know, I used to blog about movies. Not so strange, if you know that I studied film in Uni (2000-2007) and that I was a shoestring budget independent filmmaker, uptill early 2019. As a result of this, I also blogged about filmmaking.

Now I'm not planning on posting about my filmmaking any day soon ( after all, I'm not a filmmaker these days ) but I am still watching plenty of films and like to think that I know how to talk about them in an interesting, not so average way.

So what do you think? Should I start posting about films again? I'm looking forward to your comments. You're also just welcome to upvote, I will take that as a YES too.

I will probably start with ( a bunch of ) post(s) on 80s horror/ sci-fi flicks that I rewatched and showed to my friend and regularly returning visitor @vindiesel1980 , in the past couple of days.

I guess I already answered my own question. Just needed to get this off my chest. Comments are still welcome though ;<)

P.S. If you're looking forward to ( my ) upcoming movie posts, I invite you to follow my alt account - that I created just for this, years back - @vincinema That was I can actually keep my content separated and still use my main account for other types of posts too.

P.P.S. The pic above this post is a zoomedin cut-out of my account on, which is a pretty cool tool to log your movie watching history. Feel free to connect with me on there too or check out what I've seen and like:


🌟💮♥️ I really hear you, dear Vincent, and I have had similar feelings aboutnot getting traction over time on Hive.... That seems to have changed a little lately, asI am sharing mainly in only two communites that I love participating in and sharing about sewing and healing wholistically - two subjects so core in my path.

I noticed a period where it felt like Hive was growing with new members quickly and yet the price of crypto was descending - this felt like it was diluting the attention and energy of folks as a whole on the platform. I hope the central ethos and focus of Hive sustains: I use it in that intention.

I am not sure how open the platform is to adapting our sharings to attract more attention? It might work best by our sharing from our highest energy, and from what we love doing most... Sometimes (maybe very often, even!) it can be lonely out in creative-sovereignty-landia: it takes a lot of stamina to keep doing what we love most, and wait for folks to catch up with it! And waiting for the human collective conscious to value creativity and support artists!

In any case, I wish you huge success in all that you do and I love many kinds of film, though am not so into film reviews - but I do love getting an occasional recommendation. I like reading updates about your creative life and your adventures in general 😍🤩🌈🌟

My friend, @vincentnijman, I think we all have felt that way, here, on HIVE. But hear me out: you, definitely, should keep writing. Be constant, talented and creative, and I promise you, you'll see the difference.

Keep writing and sharing whatever you feel like. Movie reviews can be added as a bonus. You know, you introduced me to a lot of old movies.

You know best how to express yourself.

Did you decide you want to do this and are just looking for a push over the edge or are you trying to see if it's "worth" (in this case, possibly attracting more upvotes/attention) doing?

If it's the former then I'm just going to hard shove you over the edge, do what you like doing. If it's the latter seriously consider whether you're also going to enjoy doing it overall as it's going to come through if it feels like a chore :)