The Last kingdom is a historical drama series spanning five seasons, it offers a rich and immersive experience following the Journey of a young man and its influence in the creation of England. it is a series that rivals any cinematic epic. The story follows Uhtred (played by the charismatic Alexander Dreymon) a Saxon nobleman raised by Danes after his family's land is seized. Uhtred a skilled warrior with a strong sense of justice, but also wrestles with inner conflict. Torn between his Saxon heritage and his Danish upbringing, Uhtred navigates a complex world of warring kingdoms and cultural clashes. The series avoids simplistic good-versus-evil tropes, instead presenting a nuanced view of the era.
The first few episode of season 1 focused on the upbringing of Uhtred. In the opening scene, Beddanburg's periphery is attacked by Danes. A Dane by the name of Ragnar the Fearless kills Uhtred's brother (named Osborn as of then). Nine-year-old Uhtred witnesses his brother's murderer and seeks retribution while the Saxons fight back in a fierce battle. With the exception of his uncle, who seizes control of Bebbanburg, Uhtred's family perishes in the Dane invasion, and the Dane Earl Ragnar took both Uhtred and his companion Brida. Under the care of Earl Ragnar the fearless, he learnt the ways of the warriors, and adopting their religion. He engages in multiple engagements and skirmishes with the Saxons.
Uhtred as Osborn
A great tragedy befall Dane Earl Ragnar family which leaves Uhtred and Brida going back to their Saxon root. from there we were shown in the series how Uhtred met King Alfred ( A man with a vision of creating a Saxon kingdom (England) ruled by one King.
From here on we were shown Uhtred complicated relationship with King Alfred, his suffering ( which includes enslavement, lost of his son, lost of his wives) and his loyalty to his companion.
Other main Character in the series include:
Father Beocca: He acts as a surrogate father figure for Uhtred, having witnessed the slaughter of Uhtred's family. Beocca represents the more compassionate and forgiving side of Christianity, often serving as a mediator between Uhtred's impulsive nature and the harsher realities of the world.
Brida: Uhtred's childhood friend raised by Danes, she chooses to remain with the Danes while Uhtred fought for the Saxons, thereby leading to a complicated relationship between the two characters. She's not simply good or evil, but a person shaped by a brutal world who fights for survival and belonging.
King Alfred: A visionary and determined leader. He ascended the throne after his brothers fall in battle against the Along side Uhtred fought against the Danes invasion. Despite the hardship and illness, Alfred possesses a strong vision for a unified England under Saxon rule.
Aethelflaed: Alfred's strong daughter, who becomes a skilled warrior and leader.
Thematic Elements
Thrilling Action: The Last Kingdom doesn't shy away from brutal and realistic battle sequences. The fight choreography is impressive, showcasing the ferocity of Viking warfare. However, the action serves the narrative purpose rather than feeling gratuitous.
Historical Context: Though not a documentary, the series incorporates historical events and figures, offering a glimpse into the tumultuous period of Saxon England. It avoids glamorizing the past, but portrays the harsh realities of the time.
Overall: The Last Kingdom is a must-watch for fans of historical dramas, action-adventure shows, and strong character development. It offers a unique perspective on a fascinating period of history, with a healthy dose of action and intrigue. The first few episodes might feel like a slow burn, but they lay the groundwork for the rich tapestry of the later seasons.
Recommendation: If you enjoy "The Last Kingdom," you might also like shows like "Vikings," "The Witcher," or "Peaky Blinders."