Hello very good morning to the Hive community!!!, for a while now I have been enjoying Korean series, I tell you, previously every time I tried to communicate with my niece, the answer was, aunt, I'm watching my Korean series, and even as a joke if I made a comment, she would answer me with words in this language. When she would visit my house she would take her space to watch her series and sometimes I would join her to watch them together, but I felt that she didn't like it very much, because I would get confused with the characters, because for me they all looked the same. She always told me, they are very cute and recommended me some of them. For me, this type of series or movies were not very attractive, because I associated them with violence and negative aspects, and because of my ignorance I somehow judged them.
captura tomada de mi telefono hawei
Que he aprendido de ellas, que son personas normales como nosotros, sus guiones enfatizan los valores, el romanticismo y el drama al 100 por ciento. El romanticismo, hasta al punto de idealizar en su misma expresión al ser amado y como nos gustaría que fuera (ojo, sin obviar realidades). El Drama, como su palabra lo dice, ver escenas impensables todas juntas que le pueden suceder a una persona, como diríamos coloquialmente en mi tierra (le cayeron las 7 plagas de Egipto). Me llama mucho la atención y me encanta, como se fortalecen los valores como la lealtad, la solidaridad, la empatía, el amor, el respeto, la toma de decisiones a pesar de las dificultades en el buen sentido de la palabra, la confianza, el amor propio, ver el lado positivo de las cosas entre tantos otros, en relación a la familia, a la persona y en las relaciones de pareja.
What I have learned from them, that they are normal people like us, their scripts emphasize values, romanticism and drama 100 percent. The romanticism, to the point of idealizing in its very expression the loved one and how we would like it to be (eye, without obviating realities). Drama, as its word says, to see unthinkable scenes all together that can happen to a person, as we would say colloquially in my land (the 7 plagues of Egypt fell on him). I am very struck and I love how values such as loyalty, solidarity, empathy, love, respect, decision making despite the difficulties in the good sense of the word, trust, self-esteem, seeing the positive side of things among many others, in relation to the family, to the person and in relationships are strengthened.
Hasta los momentos he visto aproximadamente como 30 series, entre las que mas me han gustado, ESTA BIEN NO ESTAR BIEN, ATERRIZAJE DE EMERGENCIA A TU CORAZON, EL AMOR ES UN CHACHACHA, EL AMOR ES UN CAPITULO APARTE, CHOCOLATE, LA REALIDAD ESTA AQUÍ, UN CABALLERO Y UNA JOVEN DAMA, CENICIENTA Y LOS CUATROS CABALLEROS… Cada una de ellas me han dejado situaciones para reflexionar y de alguna me han hecho una fans numero uno, lo cual estoy en cónsona con mi sobrina hasta el punto que realizamos un video, donde probamos el soyu (una bebida alcohólica que resulta al procesar el arroz), de verdad muy rico al igual que su gastronomía( no la he probado, pero estamos en vías de preparar un plato de esos, como el Kimchi). Hasta ahorita todas han sido coreanas, mi sobrina dice que las chinas y tailandesas también son muy bonitas. Para otra oportunidad, les hablare ya sea de mi experiencia con el kimchi o de las series de estos dos países que les comenté…. Gracias por leerme comunidad… hasta la próxima.
So far I have seen about 30 series, among the ones I have liked the most, IT'S OK NOT TO BE OK, EMERGENCY TRIGGER TO YOUR HEART, LOVE IS A CHACHACHA, LOVE IS A CHAPTER APART, CHOCOLATE, REALITY IS HERE, A KNIGHT AND A YOUNG LADY, CENICIENTA AND THE FOUR KNIGHTS.... Each of them have left me situations to reflect and some of them have made me a fan number one, which I am in agreement with my niece to the point that we made a video, where we tried soyu (an alcoholic drink that results from processing rice), really very rich as well as its gastronomy (I have not tried it, but we are in the process of preparing one of those dishes, such as Kimchi). So far they have all been Korean, my niece says that the Chinese and Thai ones are also very nice. For another opportunity, I will tell you about my experience with kimchi or about the series of these two countries that I told you about..... Thanks for reading me community... until next time.
Captura tomada de mi telefono hawei
capture tomada de mi telefono hawei