Lately, I bought a mix of grains meant for the chickens. Not that I have chickens yet I'm still waiting till they will be delivered. Hopefully, it won't be a no again. I wondered if the grains in this mix can be used to sow.
I have tried to germinate seeds between wet kitchen paper before. This was unsuccessful. I don't know what exactly went wrong but I think it was the cold. I don't have a warm place in the house where seeds can germinate. No, nor a TV, modem or DVD player that is always on to make it easier for a tray with several seeds to germinate.
So just a few days ago, I tried it with a mix of chicken feed.
This contains corn kernels, peas, two types of grain (I'm not sure which) and sunflower seeds. Today I checked the situation and everything has hatched. Good to know because a mix of chicken feed is a lot cheaper than a packet of seeds of a single kind. For my bag of sunflower seeds which only contains 11 seeds (it says about 10 on the bag) I paid about as much as for 1 kilogram of chicken feed. So if I need any of the species mentioned, it is cheaper to buy chicken feed than the official seeds that are not all that good.
Of the 6 sunflower seeds I planted outside, maybe three have come up. I say maybe because with me weeds grow faster than seeds sprout. This means that I can't actually sow directly into the ground.
Last week, I sorted out my seeds by expiry date.
Some I do not know how old they are or they come from fruit I once ate.
Between wet kitchen paper, I have now put the pumpkin seeds, some beans (they all rot away or are eaten?), Brussels sprouts and lemon seeds (of the 5 plants from last year there are now 2 left, 2 and 1 stalk without leaves, no idea if anything will grow on them but I will wait until I need a pot for something else).
In about a week I will know. What does not sprout I will get rid of then.
May 9, 2022
Good that they have germinated, you will have to sow in other materials than soil. With good soil.
That's a neat idea. And if you get chickens, they will love the sprouts as a treat.
All the best with your seeds and best of luck with the sprouting process! Keep up the good work, take care, stay safe, much health, many blessings, great abundance, and great peace your way! 😊🙏✌️☮️
I wish you all the best too. I hope I will have something to eat. It doesn't look very positive sofar. I beloeve the birds dat my dill.
Thank you very much for your best wishes as well! All the best once again!