"I Thought It Would Be Zombies..." #1 Page #1

in "ITIWBZ..."3 years ago (edited)





Welcome to the first actual story page of "I Thought It Would Be Zombies..." While this issue is tentatively titled "Sundown", it alternatively could be referred to as "Dave's Very Bad No Good Rotten Day." I decided to forgo any subtlety in my imagery and just have a big emergency sign pointing straight at his head. Hopefully it gets the point across!

-Bryan "the Imp" Imhoff

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I love the alternate title 😂

Y'know... I was thinking about it and realizing that it's kind of an optimism/pessimism thing. 'Cause you gotta decide if Dave's doing better or worse than the vast majority of the population that might not have made it even this far on the first day of the apocalypse!

SO good, dude!
