
2/3 🧵

There are many reasons why we may take the cell phone on such occasions, but several are unnecessary.


Are there any fun ways to penalize such use?

I propose 3. Check them out in my latest post for the @hive-learners community


Never the phone, camera is another story.... 🇿🇦 🌞

They look alike but they are not the same, right? 😅

Naying Jackass the bunch of them....

That's right!

Something similar happens to me. I think the camera is allowed in meetings and meals among friends and family. And we even prefer whoever has the most advanced camera to take the pictures. No doubt, we like it very much.

Saving memories, not wasting time chatting on a phone when having fun! Never posted into social media, nor any food/drinks photography unless topic related.

I rarely take out my phone when with family or friends, or even when I'm alone😉

How nice! You are in control! Congratulations