I have been working so this could be nicely timed :)
In November (2021), you authored 5 top level posts comprising of 22562 characters. You also entered 270 comments onto the Hive blockchain totaling 95884 characters of text.
You used 4 different categories for your content and hive-167922 was the most popular, chosen 2 times.
The post titled Progress Report - October 2021 earned the most comments with 18 replies.
The post shared with the community the most was power-outage-number-2 which was Re-blogged 5 times.
In November, you cast 1196 votes, 0 of these were downvotes, and 0 votes were cast to self.
Your average vote weight (to the nearest whole number) in November was 27%.
Dear @bashadow
You spoke to tarazkp the most, leaving 57 comments and tarazkp spoke to you the most with 33 comments.
You upvoted tarazkp the most, 82 times, and chose to issue 0 downvotes.
Last month, you transferred 0.0000.000 HIVE. You sent 0.000335.1 HIVE. And you sent 0.0000.000
You earned 180609.979291 VESTS via Curation, which is approximately 97.412534 Hive Power.
And as an author, you earned 29.208000 HBD, 0.000000 HIVE, and 53678.172030 VESTS (approximately 28.951483 Hive Power) in November.
Finally, abh12345 (and his alts) upvoted you 20 times in November 2021! HIVE to @honey-swap and withdrew HIVE to @leodex, and received HIVE to @hiveswap, and received HIVE from @hiveswap (BeeSwap).
Thank you, all that leo-dex activity helped put me over 10,000 HP. A very good feeling.
Ah, congrats!
With almost a month to spare :)
Yes I was getting worried about the price rise of Hive, so I sold a lot of my Hive-engine stuff, I am glad I did. Now I have a whole month to figure out what goal I want to set for next year if any.