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RE: Development Costs - Then V's Now

in LeoFinance5 years ago

Something I've not seen mentioned, just bizarre statements around Justine not being suitable for the role (yet delivering, huh?), is that we now have someone with that experience, which I'm sure is a) in demand elsewhere, and b) will come in handy in the future.

If she wasn't suitable on paper before, she is now, and these are the people we need to keep around.


Was really glad to read that today, it's what I've been telling people privately - Something about not looking a gift horse in the mouth?


It's not like someone can go to school to learn how to list with exchanges. This is trailblazing work. "Professional lister with 20 years of experience and PHd in listology" = magic tooth fairy unicorn sitting on a shitpile

Yup, lol.

Let's see if there's more to come :)