Great :)
In November (2021), you authored 62 top level posts comprising of 69071 characters. You also entered 125 comments onto the Hive blockchain totaling 28285 characters of text.
You used 12 different categories for your content and hive-193552 was the most popular, chosen 26 times.
The post titled Drinkable day to day wine earned the most comments with 14 replies.
The post shared with the community the most was cabro-a-nice-young-wine-from-the-penedes-including-myfoodphotography-of-today which was Re-blogged 1 times.
In November, you cast 399 votes, 0 of these were downvotes, and 16 votes were cast to self.
Your average vote weight (to the nearest whole number) in November was 37%.
Dear @svanbo
You spoke to rentmoney the most, leaving 8 comments and actifit spoke to you the most with 26 comments.
You upvoted eii the most, 30 times, and chose to issue 0 downvotes.
Last month, you transferred 0.0000.000 HIVE. You sent 0.0000.000 HIVE. And you sent 0.0000.000
You earned 61.215278 VESTS via Curation, which is approximately 0.033017 Hive Power.
And as an author, you earned 22.476000 HBD, 0.000000 HIVE, and 35714.264201 VESTS (approximately 19.262596 Hive Power) in November.
Finally, abh12345 (and his alts) upvoted you 3 times in November 2021! HIVE to @honey-swap and withdrew HIVE to @leodex, and received HIVE to @hiveswap, and received HIVE from @hiveswap (BeeSwap).
Just a week of curation rewards, you must be new. Hopefully a chart next month :)