How else could a community decision be reached?
Dao can be used. Or atleast letting us know exactly which accounts made that decision and what was said/concluded. In anycase the decision lacked consensus decentralization and transparency.
Not putting the funds in the DAO is as much a decision as putting the funds in the DAO.
They were removed from thousands of accounts and put into a very specific account.
Its like comparing a decision to choose the number 3.14159 with a random number. Yes it had to be removed from accounts controlled by people who controlled it, but the dao was a very measured and specific chose made to avoid a hardfork and vote to decide.
Admit it, there are people involved who wanted to make a very specific decision off record. We will never know who these people are or how much influence they have because it was an opaque decision. The decision cannot be undone easily. It won't be undone.
I should probably just move past it and give up on trying to get any accountability. Let's dance for the whales. Dancing is fun =)