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RE: Stake it or leave it: Is Hive worth it?

in LeoFinance5 years ago

or semantics :D
Yeah let's stick with semantics.

But If you have 1000$, Hive may not be the best crypto to invest it in, especially if you already have a somewhat decent account and can just eventually get it for free from blogging (something I should get back into ;).

I actually let Hive creep up to a huge % of my crypto portfolio just before the Steem thing. It's back down to a more manageable amount. I sold a ton of crypto in March that I acquired in 2019 when the prices were low to take advantage of the dip in the world stock markets (no regrets) and used my Hive/Steem to slowly get it back due to the 13 weeks powerdown.

Looking at that graph is neat, I like the little PD ticks every year when people are selling to realize their losses for taxes or whatever. But it really gets confusing in early 2020.

I think the only way to consider it fairly is to start counting Hive around July 2020 when people were finished powering down Steem.

It really complicated the analysis situation. I don't consider people who sold their Steem to buy Hive as outside investors, but it's hard to consider it as a continuation.