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RE: US Government is trying to force Exchanges to get Name & Address of hardware & software wallets

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Sometimes I'm glad I'm not American. What a nasty government. But then again, Canada, EU most of G7, etc. Just follow behind America, so what difference does it make?

Part of me is all about a KYC safe space for crypto. Let's call it the green zone. Every wallet is registered, etc. banks and deposits are insured and taxes...taxes glaore.

However, the clinch is, there needs to be the private opaque grey zone area and the black area, otherwise, it's gonna suck.

In anycase, the dystopia is coming, resistance is futile and it's probably best not be branded a trouble maker.

I pay all my taxes, don't really have anything to hide, follow the law to a t, so I guess I don't have so much to worry about.


I pay all my taxes, don't really have anything to hide, follow the law to a t, so I guess I don't have so much to worry about.

The issue, that's not the only fear.


ETC scares me the most. In any case, I have a Samsung, so I'm just as screwed.

I don't think they will be asking for our encryption keys, just yet. However, that's probably the next step.

They are working to add backdoors to encryption and make encryption without them illegal.

I remain cautiously optimistic that this won't happen.
I mean look at all the crap Huawei is going through because Chinese companies must assist the CCP. Is American leadership really going to be so stupid to think they can do this to their own companies? Sadly, it's possible and maybe even probable. However, I think it's going to be difficult.

For example in Korea, one politician mentioned something about a law forcing people to provide passwords to save police time if there were arrests or whatever. She quickly apologized after some people with common sense explained this was a serious violation of the constitution (Korea has a constitution similar to America).

So I think any law which makes people provide passwords or encryption keys will face a lot of constitutional challenges even by companies.

My guess is that paying all the taxes is not enough to be worry free. What do you do when you have to be vaccinated to enter stores?

I pretty much do all my shopping online, so if they want to seal the deal, so be it.

What do you do when you have to be vaccinated to keep your job?

The only think anti-vaxxers have proved is their lack of common sense, selfishness and stupidity.

To clairfy I fully intend to get vaccinated next fall when all the vulnerable and overly concerned people get it.

I'm not worried about the 'health concerns' of vaccines. I'm also not scared of a little jabby jab.

I'm just not keen on being forced to have one to go shopping. I would obviously get one to travel, or keep my job.

I have little concern for anti-vaxxers being told to fuck off and stay out because they are afraid of the little jabby jab.

You're right: it's childish to be scared about stuff that are not dangerous?
Are you afraid of a virus that wasn't even identified?

The virus is worrisome, but you are talking about the vaccine, not the virus.

Did you know this is an RNA vaccine and doesn't contain any of the virus?

Don't change the topic. You are an anti-vaxxer aren't you?

The label you put on people is irrelevant. What matters are the facts. It's a fact that the vaccine is experimental. another one is that the company has zero liability for side effects. Do you even know what are the side effects?
Claiming that a virus is worrisome is a scientific claim that require scientific proof. What's the proof?