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RE: 7 Years on Hive - Highlights and lessons learned

in LeoFinancelast month

That's sweet the mortgage. No matter what the world throws at ye, the roof will always be safely over yer head and noone can take that off ye. You will have also saved tonnes in interest paying it off quickly. So many people dont truly understand the numbers to see the crazy amount of interest they pay. 2,3,4% sounds low until you compound it.

That's a great target on the debt free bit, my target is 55. Hopefully Crypto might help speed it up and then there's the new kitchen my wife wants which will slow it down a bit, but you've live too. Great idea by you guys having a target though. Much more likely to get there if you have a target like that.


Look I'm 53 and Jamie's 51, so I reckon we're on the money, so to speak. We aren't rich and never will be but at least we don't have to work as hard anymore and can slow down a bit.

Great outlook and you guys enjoy plenty of travel and fun activities too. So ye have a perfect balance paying down the debt, but also remembering to live along the way 👌