One thing that reminds me the best of the good old days of Steemit, is SPAM. The token was valued at way over a buck during that time and everybody was flocking to get a share of the daily pie. Some got to eat more than others, one of them managed to milk the pool for months and months with no one to close his big mouth, and the ways people were trying to collect a penny from Steemit was so diverse, inventive and quite often annoying.
There's no rich country without beggars, and no hyped/successful social media platform without spammers. Leofinance, although not being a relatively new platform, is gaining traction at a fast pace, attracts new users everyday, transforms old hivers into finance dedicated bloggers, and the LEO token seems to become stronger and stronger, despite the WLEO hack. WLEO 2.0 is scheduled to be launched on November 10 and my take is that it will boost LEO's price even more.
Talk sweet honey, and you'll have bees and flies. Bees might come and eat a small share of the sweet honey, but the flies will eat until they burst, shit on it and add nothing to the supply. When I started to become active on LEO, like Donald Trump in his presidential campaign, there were almost no flies around here, and the bees were quite lovely, but the more attraction we gain upon us, the more flies seem to be noticing LEO.
Back to the grown-ups talks shall we. To my amazement I am discovering more spam on leofinance with every passing day, and at the beginning I was ignoring it, but then I said:hey, what the fuck, I like LEO and I don't like people trashing it. There's two types of spam that I discovered lately, the pure vomiting one, and the subtle one where the user is not pouring tons of posts a day on leofinance, but the post he/she are uploading are not related at all with finances, crypto and what this community is dedicated for.
I'll address the first category for this post and that's pure spam. Here we have the leading winner of the day, whom I hope will come to understand that what he's doing is not right nor in resonance with LEO and Hive as a whole, and I will tag him in the post so I can give him the chance to feedback and also to get educated if he's not aware of what spam is. @djemizycrypto is quite new to LEO, it seems, but it already has 9 posts in two hours. His posts range from twitter like type of content to small blog posts, all of them related to crypto though.
No hard feelings @djemizycrypto, you do seem to have understood what type of content fits this platform, but the amount, in my opinion, is overwhelming. In my humble opinion nine posts in two hours is too much, and as I commented on one of your posts, if everyone would do the same the feeds would look so cluttered, visibility and digestibility of LEO posts would be unmanageable and we don't want that. I do prefer clean feeds, decent number of posts from a user on a daily base, and a fair chance for everyone to have visibility of their content on the platform.
There are folks around here that put a lot of effort and funds into this game to make LEO a nice place, a clean one, rewarding as fuck I would say, featuring great content and creating a tied community, and when one user abuses common sense I think we have a problem. Now, I know you're new, although I've seen that you're already active on Publihh0x, and I haven't downvoted any of your posts, but please try and understand that 9 posts in one day is way too much, and 9 in two hours is a hell of a spam. Trust me when I tell you, no one will appreciate that much amount of content from one user, and the rewards for your work would simply not be worth the effort.
I haven't checked if your multi lingual content is plagiarized or not, but I have a word of advice: it's too much posts for one day, at best you can compel all that data in one or two posts a day, and this will keep you away from becoming a spammer. Hope @khaleelkazi and other more influential than me users on this platform to address the situation of spam on leofinance and try to keep the platform clean, first and foremost by educating users. No hard feelings @djemizycrypto, but I needed to address this issue. Wish you a good day and a great experience on leofinance.
Thanks for attention,
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Community mods could mute the individual if it becomes too pervasive but would be interesting to get a tokenized community moderation service up for spam and such... @leodownvoterewards 🤔
I hardly have time these days to code but perhaps something will materialize in the future.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A muting solution seems to be the best option. Maybe @khaleelkazi will take this into account for future updates of leofinance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Spam or not, I guess that's up to each individual. I personally think it's way too much. I'm sort of okay with 4 posts per 24 hours, if it's not 7 days per week. I usually ignore more than that immediately. That being said though, I am personally more curious to know why brettpullen decides to upvote that type of content 3 times at 100%..
Oh well, that's the thing though.. People are allowed to do whatever they want with their stake and that became sort of an issue in the early days of Steemit already. Rewarding what some people considers to be "low quality" content instead of "high quality" is ultimately why people get angry, jealous and it's also one of the biggest reasons for people to actually quit.. Another issue with what I just said, is the fact that people actually think they deserve to be rewarded for the content they share. It's not about if someone is being rewarded. It's all about how much and that people beforehand decides what they are worth and how much other content is worth. That's not how this works though. It has never worked like that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I guess brettpullen hasn't even checked this guy's profile, simply used his stake t curate, take the curation rewards and move on. I just hope leofinance will stay clean and neat.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I suppose you are right and I hope so too. onealfa is doing an amazing job to prevent spam, and I am sure there are others out there as well. Personally, I actually flagged spam yesterday for the first time in a very long time.. I don't want that filth all over LEO. I don't want it on Hive either, but Hive already has dozens of things in place to prevent it, so my small downvotes aren't really useful on Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have downvoted some posts as well, not this on though, the guy is new.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I found this interesting. And even funny.

Account created only 5 (FIVE) hours ago.
In the first **TWO hours ** after registration - made 9 posts.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Exactly what I was writing about him. I tagged him in the post and also commented on his last post. The guy answered on his post and told that he is new and cross posted all of his content from Publish0x... I hope he's got the idea and behave like most of us do. I know he's trying to make a buck, I am doing the same, but you have to put yourself in the position of others, and see if your actions are selfish or not, if it's proper to act like this in a community or not... My fear is that even if he will not post that often in one day new ones will flock to LEO. I guess that's the price we have to pay for such a great community, but it's in our hands to keep it clean and decent. Education will definitely play a role and I believe we should have informative posts once in a while for new users on what the community appreciates and what not. I don't like flags as I am a person who loves empathy and people who use it, and stand against selfishness by all means, but we have to do something.
By the way, you seem to be quite a detective. I see the guy is already rocking a 42 reputation score. I worked for that quite some months on Steem.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
He's gotta be that crypto king 99 bloke that just got blacklisted.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I see. Wasn't aware of him. Lets see what happens the next few days with his posts.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I tried to help him by explaining to him what's acceptable, but he won't change.
He knows what he's doing, and that he's just straight up taking advantage.
Keep dropping his new usernames into the Discord and he'll keep getting banned.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In this case he'll get downvoted and deserves to be banned.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Surreal for sure.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If you have enough resource I say post and comment as much as you want I don’t see why we should limit that it’s all engagemt on the network but as for rewards nah there was to be a limit to where we reward things in chain
For me spamming is things that offer no value like people that jusy repost news articles and those that jusy post powered up, bought or sold this token or shit TA posts
Other than that I think it’s all good
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well the guy's posts are pretty much rewritten news, but nine in two hours is too much imo.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well break out the good old downvote and put it to good use, we don't use our LEO downvotes enough I feel
That's an option as well.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I remember all the spammers on Steemit, It's too bad people upvote that stuff. I can't stand to see someone post that much, it just takes away from the platform.
I noticed in discord they have a place to report it, that's good!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
When decentralized control the posts it becomes centralized
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
When people don't respect community and decentralized fairness for all, then... seems that downvotes are the last tool at hand.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
old steem culture that ruin the platform will bring back to hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
no water for spammers.
It's their job to educate himself. A 'legit' new user never would behave in that way.
Then, he knows what he's doing, then, no need to spend words/time trying to be reasonable. Downvoted and see you next time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am the good guy Empo. The good guy that bought AVA again at 67 cents...😁
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
hahaha you're not a professional trader by any chance right?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Fuck it, you blew my cover 😀. Now I have to have my own paid groups and paid newsletter for plebs 😁.
This time I might hold to moon. Might...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
jeeez, should I start a paid group?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Why not? I should get free access for coming up with the idea 😁
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
just don't follow accounts you think are spamming... what's the big deal?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The big deal is they're spamming the platform not just me.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
everyone with enough staked HIVE can use the platform as much as they like until they hit their limit.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Meh. People can post and vote whatever they want.
If it's plagiarism or whatever, that's a separate issue.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Of course they can, it's not like there's a posting limit. It's just common sense the way I see it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Damn! Sometimes I publish 2 posts a day and I'm worried if that's not too much but 9 posts in two hours - either that guy is a beast or he's copying the content from somewhere. For me, it takes at least an hour to produce something I'm not ashamed of. Most of the time it takes more.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Check his posts and see that they're not too worked. He admitted that he cross posted all of his posts from Publish0x.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh, okay. I guess he has a lesson now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think his post was a great warning not only for him but for others who love to spam.
The way he did it really doesn't make sense. If he wanted to, I could post these posts every day of the week. Well, we will be looking forward to our community continuing with clean content that adds more value.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta