Quite some ETH has been burned and the numbers are not that much up... Where's $15,000 ETH sir?
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Quite some ETH has been burned and the numbers are not that much up... Where's $15,000 ETH sir?
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Many will say .. Thank God that, while we do not see a price of $ 15,000, there is an opportunity to stock up on coins.
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Those who make money understand that. The masses do not.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is akin to a stock buyback in hopes of pumping the price. Sure it can help in the short term but if the company is garbage and not increasing its value, it ends up collapsing anyway.
Ethereum is obviously seeing the market affect its price but the bottom line is the burns didnt do a lot to enhance what is taking place onchain.
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Companies are doing that a lot and especially the bank stocks. Is getting punished by the Fed to stop buybacks a big enough punishment for them?
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