
I managed to buy 3

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Daca esti cuminte poate iti trimit unul, daca nu le vand. Am luat 23.

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23, numar cu noroc :)
Eu nu am apucat si nici nu am pe cine sa dau vina :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

am vandut deja vreo 3 sau 4 cu 25-30 hive.

asa ieftin?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

da, erau 60-70 raritate, cel mai putin posibil. am platit 20 am luat 27, cel mai ieftin. am dat si vreo cativa de 30-40 hive. am vandut 11 din 20 deja, cu 350 hive pina acum, din 540 platiti pe toti. odata ce imi recuperez ce am platit ii pastrez pe cei mai valorosi.

You can buy on the market, look for the cheap ones!

Are you going to integrate Hivesigner to login ?

He is not the developer :)
Just similar name

Ah ha, @themarkymark , can you please integrate Hivesigner ?

Morning Marky Yesterday i buy three punks but only received two could you please refound me the 20 hive, thanks a Lot

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha I'm not the dev, you are looking for @themarkymark

Done, looks like you sent it after they were sold out.

Thanks a Lot.

I saw you were having some issues with keychain.... is this the reason or you just decided to skip it?

Yes, I noticed afterwards that I had it disabled on Brave, than after I enabled it I didn't had the right keys and I gave up...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hivesigner not working for it was a total downer

I think, Hivesigner should be one of the options. I am not very comfortable to install Keychain.

This was the same with me too, didn't feel that comfortable with keychain

I am not in favor of any browser extension.