Does debt make sense if Bitcoin and friends can keep going +100% (or even +50%) per year? $1 becomes $1000 within such a system after ten years. After 20 years that becomes a million dollars, and after 30 years it becomes a billion.
Whoever managed to get to 1000 bitcoins or so by 2016 and didn't indulge in an exotic lifestyle has real chances of being able to live off that bitcoin for an entire life, selling small portions of it for everyday spending and nothing more. I wonder if there is such a person anywhere in the world...
Most of us would have probably gambled it already on shitcoins trying to make more money.
That's likely one reason why the cult of maximalism is so powerful these days.
A lot of those hypocrites got burned in the shitcoin casino at one point or another.
Greedy bastards... I got burned there without ever owning a BTC(or more than 0.5).