At first I thought: What is this guy talking about.
Mission accomplished :))
Though one may regard work as a hobby, which basically means, one must feel super happy since one is part of a small group of people who made their job from a hobby :)
These are such rare cases... My father as accomplished that for a few decades though.
My analogy with blogging and a regular job is actually the topic of the post and I was inspired to tackle this subject as quite a few in here are referring to this activity as a job and I was afterwards thinking to what extent blogging would be similar to a job.
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Well, if you one day decide to leave your employee status and focus on earning money through your hobby 'blogging', I suppose thats gonna be your 'job' then. One of the freelance jobs that maybe the most free of all freelance jobs, since no specific time of day, or day in week is required. Everything is none-real time. I would actually like such 'job' though my writting skills dont let me become as good as I should be to achieve that. The advantage for me: Blogging can stay a hobby :)