The Great Awakening

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I live in an ex-communist country, one that embraced democracy soon after the killing of the communist leader, Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989. We were shouting "democracy" at the so-called revolution from 1989 but instead, we got tons of corruption, corruption which is highly visible and palpable in my country, but corruption is no longer reserved to just ex-communist countries or the third world ones.

We can now see how corrupt the whole fucking EU is. I don't know if you guys remember, or have read about it, but the president of the EU commission, Ursula von der Leyen has been involved in a huge scandal regarding Pfizer and her husband "accepting some funds" coming from Pfizer just one year ago.

Long story short, Pfizer bribed von der Leyen to promote or better said force the vaccinations through coercion(illegal and immoral covid passes). The EU is just a narrative and nothing more than that. It does not do much to help the state members in any way, but rather has taken the authority to rule over the states and even trash nation-state constitutions.

I no longer trust the government or any official governing entity... I have adopted such an attitude for decades. These entities are created to serve other entities and not us. Luckily, though, people are starting to wake up... It's not a conscious process, but rather a biological one due to the fact that biological needs such as having a warm place to live during winter becomes a problem for many Europeans.

An estimated 70,000 people protested in Prague against the Czech government on Saturday, calling on the ruling coalition to do more to control soaring energy prices and voicing opposition to the European Union and NATO. These people among others are calling also for the government to fight inflation, or better said: "fix it".


That's not going to happen because inflation is not a "government-made product". What the government could fix and in this regard the whole fucking EU falls into this position is to stop fucking playing Americas cards and "freeze these imbecile sanctions imposed on Russia", they could also stop providing weapons to Ukraine in continuing to fight a war that was provoked by NATO and fueled by America.

"The aim of our demonstration is to demand change, mainly in solving the issue of energy prices, especially electricity and gas, which will destroy our economy this autumn."

You see, when they stole our privacy through google and Facebook and whatever app is currently spying on you and me, nobody cared, because life was good, we would afford a decent living quite easily, no biological need being affected, but when these needs get threatened, then the animal instincts awake.

Once again the propaganda around the Russian war is used to downplay every protest. Just two years ago when people were protesting against imbecile and unnecessary covid measures, the media was calling those people to be fighting against science. Now, some Czech leader was saying regarding the protest from Prague that it's "pro-Russians" who are shouting.

Well, it doesn't matter if you're pro-Russian or not when you won't be able to pay for the electricity and gas bills to warm yourself during the coming winter.

They(the elites) had a plan, made public by that fucker, Klaus Schwab, to strip us away from everything and have us "own nothing" by 2030. Well, I wouldn't like to be in the position of fighting someone who has nothing anymore and has nothing to lose. That's a strong man imo.

This great reset will turn into "the great awakening". The masses are starting to wake up. There's literally no palpable reason why gas, electricity, and fossil fuels should be that expensive. They can always show the middle finger to Greta Turnberg and turn back on the nuclear power plants and they can buy gas and oil from Russia as they did before the war and drop down all these sanctions that haven't helped Ukraine in any way.

Despite these idiotic sanctions Russia is doing fine, though, the only ones suffering are the people paying for higher costs of living... That's it. Russia still sells oil and gas, cashes in probably even more than it did prior to the war and I don't see any Ukrainian war coming to a halt due to these sanctions.

Same as for the covid measures, these sanctions are going to hurt the individuals more than they do "against the virus(Putin)". The masses will not only have to fight the crooked governments but also turn towards "good money" and that's Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hive, Monero, Dash, and whatever...

We need DAOs too to replace the current governing forces as well, but that shall take a while. I do believe though that social unrest around the world is going to drive the next wave of mass adoption of crypto because "the masses really need crypto". They didn't know that four or five years ago, but they're about to find that out.

It was all over the news just a couple of days ago that Russia is turning to crypto as an alternative "payment currency" for its trades. Shouldn't the masses, who seem to be sanctioned by the governments in pretty much the same way as Russia do the same thing? I guess you know the answer and this answer is the variable that Klaus Schwab skipped from his "great reset equation".

Friedrich Hayek, a Nobel prize economist once said: "we will not have good money until we take that away from the hands of the governments(central banks)". Now's our chance to do that.

Thanks for your attention,

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Bitcoin is the tool

What about Hive?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is a supporting tool 😅

The main one.

Pretty informative 😍

It's quite an annoying experience for the common man who has absolutely nothing to do with this war to be the one suffering the effects of a battle between the egos of a few elites.

And I hope the people will soon realize that the future is web 3 and crypto

Fantastic post! I sure hope you and your family do as well as you can through these troubles. And I hope countries like Romania start to stand up and tell Washington DC and NATO to go straight to hell. The entire West is ruled by the most evil, corrupt, and incompetent ruling class that has yet existed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I guess the media can't keep controlling the narrative because now it's hitting straight at home. If you can't afford to fulfill your basic neccesities, all hell will break loose.

BTW, is this fake video, @acesontop?

I want to believe in this for sure! I just hope that we can make sure we do this because everything is on the line this time. It may have been similar in the past but this is a turning point of control like we've never witnessed that we are aware of. Did this happen a million years ago, and the human experiment failed to be reborn like in a game? Might be going a little too far into the realm of scifi but you and I know that we are at a tipping point and we have to tread carefully!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everywhere's the same. really good explanation..
but masses are deeply asleep yet. wish it was a sleep. there's nothing bad about sleep. they live in a fake n artificially sophisticated Nightmare. Fake but a real killer. some of them ll prefer to live in Metaverse eternally instead. not a joke

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