The Power Of Not Knowing

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Listen carefully to the people around you, no matter the topic, and tell me how many do you hear on a daily basis saying that they simply don't know, that the topic you're talking about is not familiar to them or that they simply don't have any opinion on almost any topic one can think of.

We're opinionated human beings and we tend to know everything, even if we don't actually know anything. Hard to hold ourselves from expressing ourselves.

I have been watching closely crypto twitter since Bitcoin and the whole crypto market has entered the current correction and it's simply exhausting to go through tens of accounts tweets everyday and they're views on what Bitcoin might or might not do in the following days/weeks/months.

I can't remember of a person saying that he simply doesn't know what's going to happen and where's the market heading to next. Each and one of them has a chart, a pattern, vision or theory that can forecast what the market is going to do next. 99.9% of them are completely wrong.


So far the market's behavior has proved to be totally different from what we've had so far, although I personally tend to believe that this cycle will replicate the 2013 one to some extent. I ACTUALLY HAVE NO CLUE IF IT WILL DO THAT OR NOT, but my gut feeling tells me so.

Crypto markets and cryptocurrencies and blockchain integration in real life are in a whole different position that they were in, four or eight years ago. The players, the game, coaches and rules are whole lot different, thus how the hell can we predict a final score on something that doesn't fit any previous pattern.

The Power Of Not Knowing

That's how one talk of Eckhart Tolle that can be found on youtube is entitled. In this talk, the spiritual master depicts the philosophy, if one may call it like that, of accepting the fact that you don't know and embracing uncertainty. One that is most certain of knowing what's the outcome of an action is often times wrong.

When accepting that you don't know, you actually open yourself to the unpredicted and actually get into the position of learning something, or in our case related to crypto, developing diamond hands.

Personally I haven't sold anything from my long term portfolio and the reason for that is that I simply don't know if we're on the cusp of a bear market or just a couple of months before the peak of the peaks. Anything can happen. My gut feeling tells me that we have left quite a few months of uptrend, but I really have no certainty regarding such a theory.

All I know is that I'm expecting nothing, but open to everything. It is what it is. Some crypto gurus, especially on crypto twitter, seem to be knowing quite well what's Bitcoin doing next, but quite often they're predictions are nothing but clownery making them clowns.

Don't let the FUD make you sell the bottom, but neither you shall FOMO near the top. That's what I learned after four years in crypto, but still feels like I don't know shit. Trying my best though... Have a great one folks, and see you to the next one.

Thanks for attention,

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Everybody knows everything very well nowadays. Its ok to have opinion about some subjects, but behaving like you are polymath is ridiculous.

actually, being a polymath you realize that there is a great deal that you do not know. read this for some fun!

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That's what I'm pointing at and also at the fact that most crypto influencers have an attitude like they know everything coming next.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice work. The pic remembered me that film. Thanks for sharing

Is that from a movie? I didn't know that. Just downloaded it from unsplash.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

they say that knowing that you dont know is sign of wisdom. zau asa!

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Yes it is.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Paying attention to your environment and topics is not a bad idea as it keeps one on the know concerning it's environment.
However following the crypto market news and tweets is a big tool to traders and investors as you a trader tends to know what affect the market trend to some certain extend.

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Most of the traders are actually loosing money imo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I did too. I loosed a lot in the market but I paused a bit to watch how things play out.
I think traders have to apply wisdom now and watch well as the market is not too favorable.

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A good listener is a good leader

It is true that if we acknowledge the fact that we do not know everything, it opens us up for learning

Everyday we should pay attention to what others have to say

We can filter what we keep and what we discard, but we just need to be opened to other people's opinions

With crypto, you need to trust you gut, if it's saying, you should wait, and that its a few months to uptrending then, trust it

I will try not to FUD and sell the bottom and also not to FOMO near the top. This means I will be taking your lessons from here

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It's is very risky not to know but it is even more dangerous when you feel you know it all. In our everyday life, we learn new thing consciously or unconsciously, admitting you don't know enables you to learn

This reminds me of William Goldman, famous Hollywood screenwriter who in his book of memoirs wrote “Nobody knows anything... Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what's going to work. Every time out it's a guess and, if you're lucky, an educated one.”

It looks like those words could be applied to cryptosphere.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta