For the most distorted image that you can create yourself upon almost any topic or event in the world, all you have to do is "pay close attention to the media". The media is always "paid to write/say" whatever the buyer of the outlet has interest in and if you want to make life changing money you should definitely follow the media and place your bets accordingly.
You see, crypto world was supposed to be built on different pillars from the rest of the world, but it's not that perfect place we as a society have dreamed of for many generations.
Let me start with an example that should emphasize better the whole narrative of this post. What do you understand when you read UKRAINE LEGALIZES BITCOIN?
I personally, "read this headline" as Ukraine has "legalized Bitcoin as a currency", when in fact the report talks of the country making crypto related businesses legal in the country... No shit...?! That's the norm almost all over the world. What's that impactful about such a bill?
What was I pointing at with all this nonsense?
Well, the trust weakening process that's taking place even inside a community that was supposed to be strong and created on different principles than what we would have as regular societal communities. On transparency, objectiveness and fairness.
Then we have Jack Dorsey... I was actually thinking to dedicate a whole post to this man and what bothers me about him and his approach towards social media and crypto, but I realized he's not that significant to do that. Instead I will add him as an ingredient to this soup of a post that I'm writing right now.
Jack Dorsey is been advocating himself for a while as a "crypto head and guru". He's talking about mining green Bitcoin, decentralization, some Bitcoin DeFi shit that I don't know much about and also about some "blue beam social media project" or something like that.
Well... that's nice, but lets not forget that Jack Dorsey was the CEO of twitter when Donald Trump was banned, so that the elections in the US could be rigged easier and he is imo part of this theft...
Now, this man who's been part of all of that while CEO at twitter comes in front of us as some sort of a blockchain technology priest and all of a sudden expects that we would trust him... I personally won't, especially for that blue beam project, because I have a good memory and can't trust(or lets say admire) someone who's proven me to have a tainted moral conduct.
As much as I love my crypto community on Hive and have said many times in the past that I trust it(I actually based almost all of my crypto investment on Leofinance community shills), I won't call the crypto community as a whole as a model of a community. Because we have these types of deceiving news as the ones exampled in the introduction, we have such characters as Dorsey and Wright...
Hence we have to be picky... HOWEVER, Bitcoin is still probably "the cleanest" energy in our society right now, not referring to the mining energy of course ;), and our current challenges as a society is what we will ultimately give it insane value. The crypto community, though, needs to be churned as hell before baked.
Thanks for attention,
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The entire clean energy debate is senseless. Bitcoin miners are about profit. If mining with clean energy reduces their costs, then they are all for it. However, if the price is higher, they will avoid it.
They can relocate to areas where energy is the cheapest.
What is the cost of running the legacy financial network.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're perfectly right. I was actually referring to "clean energy" as a behavioral energy, but it's probably my fault for expressing myself poor. The whole narrative of Bitcoin consuming too much energy is total crap, I totally agree on that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Taking out the banking system will help to offset the energy.
Who needs carbon credits when we can just get it done by closing down all the banks.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
True. Great point.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
agree cause people are after profit and no one will take lose in this but it's it clean energy is cheap and available what would we not use it
If the incentive is there, people will use it. The problem is when it is more costly and it is being forced on people.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
agree there is no point in doing so make it cheap and people will use it and if you force people they will do the opposite to it
No point other than politics and government intervention.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
agree you know about freedom march and how gov is stoping crypto exchange or blocking bank accounts
I don't really trust media now cause they don't talk about what is important or what can change society but as you said are paid to write
I graduated from jouranlism and the only reason why I haven't worked in this area is because you don't have freedom to decide over the way the news goes out.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
agree it's not that journalists don't want to but are stopped one way or another some with money some with getting fired
Jack Dorsey, “The saint” 🤣, just as if someone takes that guy seriously. Surely not someone that is into crypto for a while…
As for “Green” Bitcoin, that’s just another way to blame crypto for disrupting, but that airconditioning in the USA alone uses 10 times more energy than the whole mining of BTC, nobody cares about that… Freaking hilarious
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very good article, and I agree completely. Crypto as a whole is not the utopia it once started out as. The majority of modern crypto investors are here for profit, not for freedom or to build a better world.
Spot on about Dorsey. While he seems to be a lot better these days, a hell of a lot of shit happened on his watch, and people would be stupid to forget that.
Bitcoin and crypto can still revolutionise the world, but it's going to take a while now that crypto is partially tainted.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have good memory, I don't forget easily.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well I guess the only upside is that Ukraine won't ban BTC? It wouldn't make sense to legalize something then ban it later but I guess we can never understand politicians. Jack Dorsey just is just some figurehead. I don't think he truly understands crypto that much and he will fail at any decentralized social media attempt.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
They're pretty much in the same position as El Salvador, no benefit from banning.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very good points.
I'm a firm believer in the potential that crypto and blockchain technology have on shaping the future of our society but I feel that many people can't see past the financial aspect of it all.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta