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RE: Tesla a brilliant investment or investment bubble pumped up by carbon credits

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I appreciate your post. Great information. Some of it I knew and some I did not. While I feel fundamentals are very important I care more about technical analysis. Men lie, woman lie, the charts do not lie in my opinion. Your title says asks if its a brillant investment or a bubble pumped by carbon credits. I would argue both are true statements with investing in it being a great idea as long as you know when its going to pop from how its propped up. Know what you own is what I like to say about any asset. Thanks for your time in writing this post. I look forward to your future content. I am new to this platform but will be posting about stocks and other financial assets after I explore the community.


Ha Ha Ha..
I liked this:

Men lie, woman lie, the charts do not lie in my opinion.

I agree with this statement also...

Your title says asks if its a brillant investment or a bubble pumped by carbon credits. I would argue both are true statements with investing in it being a great idea as long as you know when its going to pop from how its propped up.

I think as you said it's important to know your investment!

If you understand why something is pumped up, you then can watch it for the pump to be removed.

I also agree that even a stock pumped up more by external financing then internal productivity can still have a positive balance sheet and attract a lot of investors!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta