You must be really mad over my small downvotes after you going full offensive mode over the whole network. You realize I'm on my phone just talking shit right now, right? even my sentences start with things like probably or maybe or may and you're sitting there expecting me to come up with sources and links, lol. do you even social media, bro? You or your post are of literal no importance to me, I'm mostly just waiting for my sleepiness to kick in atm. no wonder you used any text of mine you could in this post for your own defense like you were doing a school project like the only kid trying to suck up to a teacher who hates him more than the students do. xD
2 finger peace sign
more same selfies than exyle
more selflove than jerry b
If you were actually having a conversation instead of just repeating your own imaginings, you'd know that's not true. Actually, I'm pretty sure you already know that's not true, but that's just a guess.
That's not surprising. I certainly didn't know though. Good for you?
Once again proving the point that you're just rambling and saying shit you know isn't true. But it's OK because you're just "talking shit" right?
Except that I'm bringing awareness to your (and others') dictatorial behavior, censorship, and willingness to spread lies in an attempt to derail arguments.
You managed to throw a bunch of words into a comment again, without saying anything at all that relates to the real world.
must suck fading into irrelevancy.
Oh no, more insults. Whatever will I do?
Probably continue crying like you did over downvotes.
No, I'm just going to keep helping you show everyone what you're really like, since most of the people who have experienced first-hand are afraid to speak out, for fear of your retaliation.
lol I don't retaliate and I stay far away when I get a sense that people are only getting close to me for the wrong reasons, nice try, though. I downvote shit I think is greedy or abusive, like naturalmedicine curation reports taking a huge cut for themselves instead of sharing it with curators, moderators and the authors fully. This is the shit you've been incentivizing so no surprise you don't see anything wrong with that.