I was thinking more about something that both would keep security the way it's now but also shorten the powerdown.
I.e. 1/13th every week for 4 weeks the way it's now.
After 30 days you can't recover your funds anymore anyway with account recovery
So the 5th week of the regular powerdown would instead get you everything/the rest liquid.
so ~7.7% weekly for the first 4 weeks, then the rest ~70% on the 5th week.
If you've already lost it after 30 days it doesn't make a difference than the hacker gets everything all at once past the point of no return.
This totally makes sense to me. Best of both worlds (speed and security)
One drawback I see is the villain getting richer faster and potentially more powerful faster if they reinvest their loot in Hive. As I'm not sure that ever happened, I'm also not sure that this reluctance is relevant.
Actually, that sounds like a good way to go. What does @blocktrades and the other whales think?
Sounds pretty solid to me honestly.
I never thought about bending the mechanics around the 30 day window to recover accounts.
Seems like the way to go.
This I think is the best suggestion I have seen so far on this topic.