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RE: After dedicating 5.5 years to Hive/Steem, I've been informed by KING ACIDYO that I added no value

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Oh look, it's cause the usual suspects that overreward garbage that brings low value to Hive retaliated on me for downvoting cross-posts and links. Nice find bro, you totally won the argument!


Now show me some posts of yours you've forfeited rewards in the past or even self-downvoted cause you felt it got overrewarded. :)


Acidyo - upvoting himself with OCDB, because he got down-voted... While telling me I'm only in it for the rewards.

Also Acidyo

I upvoted myself due to retaliation. Would you like to see more retaliation on Hive?

Hey, more threats from the big scary whale man.


That was lame, even for you.

You really can't help yourself, can you :)

Now show me some posts of yours you've forfeited rewards in the past or even self-downvoted cause you felt it got overrewarded. :)

So... because I don't decline rewards all the time or downvote my own content, it's OK for you to continue publishing libel about me on the blockchain?

Show me where you've ever once disproven, refuted, or even challenged any of the "controversial" topics that you think aren't worth rewarding?

You could refute what I say if you like, but if you're going to compare what I do and try to justify your shit by listening to literal idiots like logiczombie you're just digging your hive grave deeper.

I don't have to constantly disprove your theories to judge something overrewarded, I wasn't even the one downvoting you initially, remember? It's not hard to find that highimpactflix isn't providing any value to Hive looking at his literal dead ass account not get any engagement or traction even though they've constantly been trending from autovotes in the past. How much more clear do I need to make it to you people? Even if Trump were to join tomorrow, if all he does is cross-post from his social media platform without ever mentioning Hive it's quite natural that the support should extinguish over time, but apparently you guys want it to continue forever for some reason.

I'm sure others would take the time to disprove things but most of the time that content barely even has any engagement agreeing with it so not really sure what you want from me, lol. It's not like I need to understand how an airplane works to know what it's supposed to do.

Kind of ridiculous I have to point these things out to someone who has been here "curating" apparently for this long and providing value to Hive as to what actually brings value to Hive. A literal new gods unchained player who has around 10 views on Twitch has onboarded more people to Hive in the last week than dbroze has, and his content has more engagement. It's quite sad how downhill some things here have become and what we find acceptable.

You are derailing the conversation, once again, by talking about people that aren't in these conversations, who none of us have pointed to as the examples of receiving malicious downvoting.

You keep jumping between defenses for the actions of you and others, because none of them are defensible. Just shell game until people stop trying to talk to you, or you get triggered and start cussing them out.

not really sure what you want from me, lol

I want you to stop spreading libel about me, and to make corrections to the many places that you have. You'll notice that you are the only one I've been specifically calling out so much (with this post) and it's not about downvoting at all (it's mentioned briefly), it's about you, one of the most powerful people on the platform, attempting to defame my character with outright lies, repeatedly.

It would be nice if you, or any of the other overlords, would stop feeling so high on yourselves now that you cut StInc out (keeping their ninjamine for yourselves) and are the top of the food chain now. But that's not going to happen, because that would be completely anathema to to the game of statism.

I call shit out like I see it, and you seem to be just that.

You've many times derailed or blatantly ignored some of my points, like me not even targetting you initially until I read your intentions and how you were burning your bridges because of some allegedly malicious downvotes. I've literally told you many times that I even considered assisting with countering said downvotes if they happened often over time but now I won't because you seem to be a despicable cunt. I trust my judge of character even if english isn't my main language while you dance around things I say and write walls I can't be bothered reading every time.

You think that I care if you step on my nerves and what I may say to you because it may harm my image. I don't care about my image or what your followers think of me. You're all irrelevant and so am I. I don't think of myself as better or bigger than others but I know what value on a social media platform similar to Reddit is and what most of you guys are doing and the accounts you're supporting isn't that.

Was fun seeing how you grasp at straws to "pay me back" for what I've said. Now please escape my memory.
