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RE: Are you on HIVE to Invest or to Milk the Cash Cow?

in LeoFinance6 months ago

While I'm not against this recent "trend" or whatever is going on where everyone's checking how much people have sold compared to earned, at the end of the day you also gotta remember that when hive does better they'll be at a loss. So not saying don't change your votes around to support others u deem more deserving, but also something to keep in mind when things do change around and many suddenly start coming back or hitting your dms/comments, to also remember then where they were and what they did with their stake. :D

I think we all have certain judgments and different opinions and that's what makes hive great as it is quite social after all, but it's also important not to focus too much on the negatives but instead spend time on praising/appreciating the positives and those people. Just something on my mind as markets are in the shitter and I'm seeing some people getting all aggravated and extra judgy on each other.


Looking through those 30 accounts took some time. I don't want to throw people off the BOT, as it's tough to replace them. I'm quite stringent on adding new ones, and I have yet to see a 'pick me' comment. Are they too afraid of being judged now?

'New trend' - it's been brewing for a while and I am not going to call anyone out, it's their stake after all. I run that BOT and it cycles around the 300+ accounts and uses up my surplus VP, but struggles after a while as there's nothing to vote. We need more people on HIVE, and I suppose this doesn't help pull them in.

Do we want a load of extractors or a large handful of decent people. It's like the difference between HIVE and STEEM. That chain is slowly catching up HIVE in terms of $ per token.., is this the way to go.. vote any old shit?

by trend I just mean this recent activity by many people I follow posting about this. It'd be important not to "throw fire at gasoline", I know you and others aren't going to take it too far where it might get ugly ans personal, but others will and I don't think it's the right thing to focus on right now.

yes we do need new people and it'd be great if they were interested in staying staked and looking at the future, I guess it's hit and miss there just like it always has been.

I used to hand out votes to new people, but in todays world I assume they are scammers. Sad to say I am right often. It takes a few posts for me to gain a little trust, and by then they give up.., maybe I could concoct some script to look for 1st posts, and then wait for post 2,3,4 and then decide.

I am not all negative, and look for the good people too!

As we usually say in business, one old (i.e. satisfied) client is better than two new ones. And it's not without reason. Of course, I'm up for Hive to flourish with new users, but why the hell are we losing the trusted older ones? I've seen many nice folks, passionate, active, creative, bringing first-class content - became disappointed in Hive system and withdraw their HP. While this is happening, attracting new users to Hive is like carrying water in a sieve. "New users" will have their posts generously supported, get used to it, after six months support is finished, they close their accounts, withdraw money, and start over. Dont you feel something is wrong with this?..

People think handing out free money will attract and retain more users. They value having more users. Then when they get used, they can't figure out why. Yet, having more "users" is all some care about, so they continue on with the same behavior nonstop for eight years, in order to attract more users, and continue to get used.

Interesting, talented people leave because it's depressing to work for no audience.

Sprinkling people with "rewards" just to keep them and their abilities around is disrespectful. Content creators work hard to build entire communities around their offerings.

For several years I've been pointing out the severe lack of consumers on this platform, while they continue to onboard and pay more content creators while ignoring the role of consumer.

Due to what the "Hive Community" thinks is productive, I'm now left with a following consisting of content creators that all left years ago, rather than consumers. The market or community I built up over the span of several years has no value and I can't even use those numbers to get sponsorship deals or anything. There's absolutely no future here for anyone who takes their work seriously.

And it'll be like this for another eight years as these stakeholders refuse to acknowledge it's their own mistakes and guidance creating the disaster they continuously find themselves in.

Interesting, talented people leave because it's depressing to work for no audience.

this. I dont think its the only or biggest reason, but a very sufficient, for sure.

I've been pointing out the severe lack of consumers on this platform,

this! I also tired of repeating that Hive needs readers, not authors. totally 146% agree with you.

I remember an attempt (within OCD curating activity) to reward great comments with nice upvotes. but, hmm, the results were not impressive, and I don’t know if this had any continuation other than “fading out.”

absolutely no future here for anyone who takes their work seriously.


I've offered potential solutions and strategies over the years.

More and more people are supporting content creators with their own money. You'd have to be chained to a rock to be able to miss that boat. Yet here we are offering consumers the ability to stake tokens and support content they enjoy, as their money grows instead of throwing it away. That's one way consumers can be rewarded here. What do we do with it? Encourage people to automate everything and get paid to be absent. They want free accounts building stake stemming from a melting glacier of inflation in order to "pay" for this content, rather than encouraging millions of people to sign on and support the things they enjoy, as they do, with their billions of dollars that exist on the outside.

Missing the mark by a mile. They think people want to be "curators" and "investors" while the rest of the internet knows they want to be "consumers."

Calling it "web3" like it's supposed to be the future, as common practices stemming from minds eight years ago contribute to the platform becoming more and more behind the times as the days and weeks go by.

we have a bot like this in our discord, we could use some more curators looking into it, though. As you say it's not easy to determine genuine ones from fakes.

Interesting that these things are getting more commonplace, I need to revisit mine and re-code it. BEEM is long since deprecated and it needs a re-work.

I don't think that's a good comparison at the end, though. almost no users get curated there, it's all just going towards people with stake, so probably easier to keep a higher price when it's just investors even if the chain is practically dead.

Where we can see them extractors with that list? Not good with scripts.

I am not naming and shaming, that's the not the object of this..

I'm quite stringent on adding new ones, and I have yet to see a 'pick me' comment.Are they too afraid of being judged now?

I didn't want to go into this but there a people who don't like to ask to vote on them. I never asked no one to vote on my posts , I recommended some people, but never recommended me :). I think that is the honest way to play. I remember a post of yours, I recommended a user that I enjoy reading. But I doubt that I am the only one that does that, I know at least more 5 users very close to me that act in the same way!

Judgy is a great word!

I'm very judgy when it comes to this topic, but I known it's not good, from a Zen perspective!

My inequality radar is also at work.... it's easier to Vest when yr already rich which many of us here are (relatively) and Hive is just pocket money.

Some of these people cashing out are living on a shoe string and I get that, Vesting is much harder if not impossible when yr in poverty.

I would say more but I'm enjoying the luxury of being half cut on a Thursday.

I have positives from people who are in high KE. Two very different positive stories, and I am sure there are many more. I know quite a few myself. Please have a look

I also stand by my conclusion at the end of my post. I can prove with data that most people held and supported the community. In fact, I do not think you need any data to prove that. The fact that Hive token has any value ($0.18) is a proof that most of us held. People who stayed do generally care for the chain.

I feel as a community we are doing well

I am focusing on your positive voices here @azircon @acidyo , with the proof to back it up. It's far more inspiring. The threat of down votes, non voting and criticism and judgement is not what HIVE should be about. They say you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Much appreciated. If there is one thing I can communicate that would be community got your back! I am your neighbor and I will look out for you, just as I know you will look out for me. That’s why I am here!

Right back atcha!!

don't think I saw your most recent post yet, I just don't want some people to overdo it and create unnecessary drama. I.e. not focusing on who's "the worst at holding" but instead praising the best ones and looking how to create more of them and why more should aim to stay invested in the network and how it can empower them and potentially their future generations.

Yes, that is the message I prefer to deliver.

lastly, if accounts have brought value to hive in different ways, I don't think they should be completely devoid of future support just cause they don't have any stake left. There's value to having them here being active after all too.

This is a valid point. I see old players with only small stakes left come in and write really good articles when they have time or headspace and they are also good for the chain. I love seeing them there and they definitely should be rewarded for the quality of the piece, not because of past wallet behavior.

I think we all have certain judgments and different opinions and that's what makes hive great

Nice to hear that.