Now before I begin discussing what I think things are that we should be focusing and funding in terms of marketing Hive, I want to point out that I'm not being dismissive or trying to put down some attempts that have been made here in the past, mostly referring to @pettycash as there's been some slight drama about the use of those funds that I've read on here and over on Twitter. I think it's great that we've been trying and starting to do something, I know how hard it is to market anything these days and hopefully we get better over time and more efficient.
Some things that I think we may be focusing on which might be too early or coming off from the wrong angle I think currently is trying to market and onboard to people who are new to crypto as a whole. I don't mean new as in they've never heard of it, I think crypto has been a thing long enough now for most people to have heard about Bitcoin, but I mean new as in experiencing it for the first time and getting to use it. I'm not going to point at direct examples here of what went wrong and which ones I think were the worst attempts, it's pointless to look back. A better thing is to look back at what worked and consider branching onto that further, which also brings me to what I believe we should be focusing on more rather than the other option.
Although as many of you know, being the creator of POSH and excited about what that is doing for our presence on crypto twitter I'm not going to discuss that in this post as I think that deserves its own post that I'd want to dig a bit deeper into, talk future and how we can help it evolve even more. This will be about other marketing initiatives we should be focusing on.
One of the main things that I've been involved in myself and noticed how well it worked is targeting communities that already are familiar and involved with crypto in their day to day. At the end of 2021 we created a big contest for the Gods Unchained community, a trading card game that has no direct ties to Hive in any way, shape or form, but at the same time doesn't have anything compared to Hive they can use for their community. This contest was simple, there was a prize pool, some that @pettycash/@lordbutterfly funded, some that was funded through post rewards and curation and a majority that was funded by myself in GU assets I was lucky enough to hold a lot of. A couple contacts to GU players/community moderators in the discord about our contest, how to participate and things started rolling in quick.
I have to admit here that the workload was a lot for me personally as I was taking care of onboarding these GU players that wanted to participate, luckily we had set up our unique onboarding links at the time which removed the need for people to verify with SMS or email as they contacted me directly for an invite link through discord or Reddit. There were hundreds of players asking for links in a span of a few days and we quickly saw our community fill up with users. Here's some stats provided by @dalz at the time:
Understandably with both GU and Hive slowly dropping down in activity and valuation, although with activity I'd say Hive not as much compared, it meant that the community started to go idle as well. What remains to be seen, though, is that that did not occur too quickly and before that happened a lot of new long term Hive users were formed who took the time to learn what Hive is, how it works and how they can get involved more, some of them even as developers. Many of them started to get involved through @ocd curation of the GU community and are still active today, while others invested in Hive and started branching out into our other dapps such as @splinterlands, @threespeak and other projects/curation initiatives, etc. The GU community is still alive today even if it's a bit on the lower side compared to back then.
So where am I going with this?
Here's some things that stand out compared to the more traditional marketing that have been attempted since mostly by funds from the DHF.
Low cost user acquisition.
People are happy to join new platforms if there's something at stake and to be won, even if our prize pool was only of around k3-4$ it resulted in over 900 new sign ups with many still active and vested today over a year later.
Easy integration.
These players are already experienced with crypto through things such as metamask, ethereum L2's and exchanges all of these things we at Hive also have our own versions of in one way or another. They won't stop short at sign up or wonder what these keys are about as much as new users to crypto.
The Hive comparison
Many of these players are already involved in the original project's socials such as Twitter and Reddit. Coming to Hive it's easy for them to understand the basics compared to someone not really familiar with Reddit at all or who don't use Twitter. They also get a quicker glance at the fundamentals and what differentiates Hive to the others and may stick around to learn more.
Lastly, the "hive" marketing tool.
This is something not many may realize because we're unfortunately never crossed the "bigger userbase" yet, but communities such as Gods Unchained on Hive is one of the perfect marketing tools for the users of each and every project out there. Why should these users spend their time and activity on Reddit, Medium, Twitter, etc when they can do the same here, with the same tools such as community moderation, subscription models to communities they're interested in following. Here they can all aside from knowing their text is immutably stored, their following and algo's/shadowbans won't turn against them by the power of a centralized few, also earn from their activity. If anything to invest back in the project('s) they're here to discuss and connect with others for.
If we have a few good examples of this, the Gods Unchained community for instance being one that would start growing and thriving, so much so that the team themselves would want to participate in an official capacity here with their social accounts. This would then become something that we could monetize for future communities:
"Kickstart your community the right way on Hive" with dedicated curators, moderators and content creators who'd be taken care of properly since we on Hive are all about the people compared to #web2 (and many that call themselves #web3 these days) platforms that are mainly there to provide for shareholders and founders. It's something I'd see new projects wanting to pay for to see their communities being taken care of or they themselves buying/leasing Hive Power to curate more directly what they want to see more of in their communities as they grow in the web3 space.
While some here may question what's in it for Hive to reward social users of projects that aren't even on Hive, I personally think that the inflation they may be earning compared to the traction Hive would get for having a growing userbase as a social media platform and potentially see it grow exponentially is nothing compared to what we may "lose" out on by rewarding them with.
I think that going through these methods, offering somewhat big "crypto" communities that don't have something like Hive an easy way to get their community started, incentivizing their followers to use Hive through giveaways and contests funded by the DHF or other stakeholders would go a long way compared to the "general users" we may be spending funds on now.
While there's nothing wrong in getting regular users who are new to crypto to Hive, their learning curve is a lot steeper and their retention may be a lot harder than those I mentioned above. It might not only be cheaper but also better for long term to get those in who are easier to stick until we get that "social effect" where everyone knows someone who's on Hive and thriving to want to get an account and become active without directly being invited to it through these incentives.
Lastly, I'm also not a big proponent of "ads" in the term where we have Hive logo's, magazines and fliers going out to try and get regular people to use Hive. I think it's a somewhat outdated method to get people interested in something and most may be quite hesitant to try it out if that's the way they first get introduced to it. I know I personally ignore ads completely, aside from how they may affect me subconsciously, I'm way more eager to research companies/platforms through reviews than take their word for it and buy a product/service based on them having advertised themselves to me. Same here goes for influencers who've become walking advertisement billboards in this day and age and why I don't believe that paying random influencers to discuss hive in a few videos or tweets has a lot of effect on the users we want to see joining and staying here.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and if you think we should attempt to fund this a bit more to try it out and possibly compare it to the other attempts. I haven't discussed this with projects such as @pettycash and their keyholders lately, I figured I'd just post first and see what the general sentiment is before I'd take that step to see if they'd wanna assist. It also needs some planning, maybe a better timing since with both projects (and most in the crypto space) being through these harsh markets it might be more effective to wait for a second wind, before it can get started. I also have some ideas of how this could become a more long-term consistent "contest/giveaway" kind of project I'd like to share and discuss in a future post.
I don't think anyone can dispute that compared to the costs of what we've tried aside from this in the past, this one has outperformed them by a landslide, but if you think otherwise or have counter arguments why this method is weaker, I'd like to hear and discuss those too of course. Thanks for reading.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I can back your sentiment about this method.
Focused niche marketing is a powerful way to target and attract an audience. I was always surprised by how active the GU community was on the Hive-Gaming Discord server. Also, the incubation program is playing a huge part in this as well. Pulling the attention of users is worthless without retention, so you can say that the incubation program should always be part of (onboarding) marketing proposals (IMO). However, the incubation program is only capable of whatever the limit is, so it would be the smartest way to hook up to 'small' targeted niches (like GU).
There is this saying that I probably have mentioned somewhere in one of my blog posts.
This is by far the biggest mistake many companies make (this is basically the traditional marketing strategy (stickers/posters/flyers etc) that you're mentioning). Marketing is part of a strategy, without strategy only flukes will be successful. A machine like Hive is making it almost impossible to read the metrics of such a strategy as numbers are also diluted by organic growth. Targeting one specific audience and making content tailored to that audience is the way to go for Hive. Especially if that community has the chance to eventually 'live on its own' strength, after the incubation (or we have come up with a better long-term solution). We need to think about this a lot more as Hive is so complex and can offer literally anything you can think of in terms of content (and even beyond), patience and determination are our friends. That being said; the strategy determines the success of a marketing project, and also; if you create ONE successful tailored niche marketing strategy, it is a lot easier to manufacture and adjust to another niche. Hive's wardrobe is huge, but most wardrobes risk becoming deserted if there's not enough fuel available (incentives, people, contact, communication, education, pick a topic).
What I most enjoy about the Gods Unchained community on Hive, is that it is a game that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. Hive is probably one of the few, if not the only one, that embraces and welcomes other blockchain projects with open arms. This is a huge PRO about Hive, as it is a USP (unique selling point) that many Blockchains do not have. As you mentioned in your post, it is 1) easier to attract users that are already familiar with crypto and blockchain, and 2) is it way more efficient and cost-effective to target exactly those niches (as you disclosed with what you've done with GU).
As far as funding, I'm not the guy to speak about that. I know that marketing can be cheap and also expensive. Mostly the cheap one is being both at the same time (cheap in cost, expensive in return), along with many pretending businesses that charge a shitload of money but provide garbage quality. I also feel that the general sentiment on Hive isn't ready to see the value in great marketing strategies that cost a lot more than the ones we've deployed so far (excluding @Lordbutterfly's movie).
why it is so important to do this right of the bat). This is pretty challenging and can get quite complicated on Hive due to the amount of different cultures, beliefs, or even the tech development of a country and so on.A few weeks ago, I had to assist in a brainstorming session with a marketing company that had to design a strategy for another company. The strategy that needed to be developed needed to explain why branding, strategy, and marketing are important for its employees, to its employees (small mindfuck there when I arrived). I think that @lordbutterfly can agree with me on this that Hive kind of needs a similar strategy deployed as well (not many are aware of what great marketing is, how costly it can be, and
That being said, I honestly believe that crypto gaming will become even bigger this year. Why? PFP NFTs have paved the way for exactly that to happen. People are probably getting used to these Bored Apes, and probably are wondering where the utility is and why people find it so valuable if you can't even do something with it. I'd suggest getting a bunch of bright-heads/experts together who think differently, pay them through the DHF for a few hours of brainstorming alone, and together as a group, and have the goal set to create one or multiple strategies that works as an overarching marketing strategy to onboarding/support -insert whatever- niche blockchain community, with an easy follow-up of the incubation program.
My two cents (without inflation, so may be a bit more than 2 cents).
Haha I feel this! Trying to champion real marketing among a sea of skeptics is always an uphill battle. Doesn't help that there's a lot of scuzzy/scamminess in so many "agencies" out there like you alluded to.
For the Hive masses, my gut says that best educational content in this regard would be detailed breakdowns of things that did work (in keeping with the theme of this post). Or at minimum, detailed breakdowns of things that were tried and failed, and an analysis of why it failed, etc.
You rarely get that kind of introspection even in professional marketing firms though... so a challenge indeed. 😬
You highlighted great points.
I am involved in several crypto projects and the struggle is all the same. "How to get some traction onto our project through a real community?" In those cases we usually start from zero. But here on Hive, the Community already exists, the blockchain is greatly working and the Metcalfe Law is smiling at Hive.
I appreciated the numbers from the Gods Unchained. 3-4k are a decent prize because the rest are mainly doing airdrops for something in the 100$s order of magnitude.
Creating a new contest with new communities and games would benefit both. Setting rules about what Hive community can give to a project and what the project can give to Hive would be mutual beneficial.
I am active also on Publish0x and there, there are cash prizes for writing articles. The company pays some money, Publish0x setup the prizes and the winners takes some money. I won cash prizes several times and the highest one was 120$. Publish0x is quite more centralized but we can do something similar also here: a company pays the fee, a curator convert the money in Hive and then it will distribute prizes according to a voting jury. We would attract users, business partners and creating some buying pressure as well.
One more idea, would be getting some youtubers involved. They can bring tons of traffic.
I will start writing a guide on Hive on my Medium platform as well as here, since it's an idea I had since three weeks and I am now starting deploying it.
So creating posts about awareness on Hive retention: meaning not just onboarding users but warning them that they should be here for the long run and not simply for a grab-and-run bag of money.
If I can support in some ways, I am available for more talks and evaluations.
Please send me the link to your Medium publication.
Here is my profile
The reason I mentioned $3-4k being "small" in the post is that this was close to if not at the top of the last bull market, whereas the DHF has spent 350-400k the past few months at the bottom of the market (just as a comparison to the size). Meaning that if we had 10-20x the initial prizes for more contests aimed towards more communities and more consistent ones it could look a lot different, possibly even now with many being gone. Hard to say but personally I think it'd be worth a try at least starting with a similar one.
Dunno about YouTubers, as I said if it's just a one time promo thing I don't think it's going to be that effective as people are just going to see it as a sponsorship/promo or direct ad. I'd rather pay a bit smaller YouTubers to be active here, cross-post and mention hive and what they think about it more often in their videos, maybe even those that create content about something that's somewhat big here, say a photography or gaming community so they can incentivize their viewers to join them and do various activities here.
Well, 3-4k$ can be small or a lot. Even higher budgets have to be very carefully managed otherwise we would risk that people join just for the prizes.
With 1200$ of budget per contest, there were tens of posts submissions with consequent shares on social profiles.
We can start with the first one about why writers joined the Hive-chain AND why they would suggest people to join it.I suggest you to get a look at the Publish0x way of acting in the Contests. Here is one of the last I took part to. Publish0x has these stats
To take part into one contest I once submitted also a song, winning the prize for the most original submission that create a huge hilarity.
About Youtubers, I see your point. Having them involved would be the best solution because they can tell the story but showing results and proofs would be the best solution. So I think it can be a matter of involving ONE youtuber that is monetizing his/her channel, telling "hey, do you know that Hive can make you monetize much better and more easily your contents?". He/She starts for some time and once he/she starts publishing results, others will follow because youtubers are growing in number and many of them are starving
Got curious with @pettycash and I noticed that I'm the only one who returned some funds after doing some Hive merch. I checked some of the accounts that received the funds and so far there's no mention of any itemized list of where the funds went. Not good IMHO. I mean not with @pettycash, but those accounts that received funding. There should be reporting.
I agree with targeting those communities that have nothing to do with Hive. But having conventional marketing strategies will be good for comparison. As for big ads, there are no tangible positive responses that I observed. I might not be observing enough though.
I saw your return and thought exactly the same :)
Happy New Year and Congrats for your great Xmas initiative! Well done!
Thank you! It's not mine to keep, so I should return whatever's left. I mean it's basic decency.
Happy New Year! I'll have more initiatives soon!
Yeah transparency would definitely be welcomed, in fact, I've also been looking at proposals and how there's very little of that of costs and things they claim and a lot of things remain hidden. Very few of them even update regularly aside from when it's time to renew proposals.
As you mention it's also a bit unnerving that out of all the funded projects/initiatives through it none of them felt like they had some left over hbd to return to the pool for future ones.
Still waiting for it, but I'm patient!
Transparency should be a norm, not an exception. We have no central auditor, so the community should be able to audit all the projects that are funded. There should be no future funding for those who won't be able to disclose all the costs in their projects.
I'm all for anything that helps us promote Hive and reach more users. I'm even happy when I see a new user join the communities I'm active in here. I have a few events planned for the Hive Gaming community. I think games are a great way to promote Hive. I will do my best this year to promote Hive both in Turkey and worldwide.
It's really simple. If we use funds to build applications on Hive those applications then market themselves from the players etc like we saw with Splinterlands. Idk why we even have a fund to be honest it's a piggy bank a select few constantly dip into for thousands for really no reason and nothing comes of it. Every application that has actully done something to improve hive and really onboard people didn't use the fund.
What Hive needs is more development to build applications that run on top of it. It should however be funded in a way where milestones have to be reached before payout. It's really that simple. What Hive lacks is development on things people would actully use and the few projects that have moved Hive. It kind of angers me how much is wasted and how many stupid marketing projects including this Justin Sun movie is costing. Totally going to be blunt about it because it keeps coming up.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Although I agree we don't really have many examples to determine this to be the case over time considering it's mostly @splinterlands that has seen success and they existed/started up before there even was a DAO. I don't disagree though that a lot of the proposals out there wouldn't even need funding to begin with, some seem to just ask it cause "why not", some seem to ask it "as bonus motivation" for projects they were already building and maintaining before the DHF existed. I can only count a handful of them personally that I'd say truly deserved it, some of them asked for funding after the fact so maybe you know which one that is I'm referring to.
I don't agree with the last part but yeah, let's see how it goes from here, as mentioned in a comment above I'd really love to see some more transparency and activity from projects actively being funded rather than just "becoming active" before they need to renew their proposal.
Wish I could say this for my other fav decentralized projects like THORChain
I like the idea anyway, it’s worth a try
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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Hey @mistakili, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!HIVE .We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on
Thank you for your witness vote!
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I'm surprised leofinance hasn't attempted to generate communities for crypto finance projects out there, there's so many you'd think some of them would want to join and bring their users over to discuss things here where everyone would be incentivized to discuss their favorite projects.
*or managed to get some to join, they may have attempted, I don't know
They attempted, there are few communities, but they are mostly populated with posts created by users already on Hive, not so much from these external projects people which is the main goal. There’s some figuring out to do
I would love to see various countries actually have seminars/course in various regions on a more low key level where they sign users up and train them on the basics. Groups of 20 people at a time over a period of 3 weeks one evening a week as I believe that is the way we will pick up users who will stay permanently. Even if 10 stay per course that is going to help the growth.
Now is a great time to market hive to other crypto users because the ones that are still around, are here for the long term. I love the idea of bring communities or projects that will use hive like the use medium.
Education is also critical, I hope to have a program in the second qty of the year that brings a few new active users.
organic growth seems like a winner, for more hive marketing I would not mind seeing some funds thrown at targeted ads on the various video content outposts and gaming world as Hive grows the projects are getting better and better and more and more! I am doing a few things listed here and focusing on gaming & web3 onboarding via twitter and other socials. If we have some nice ads promoted bringing focus to the many games, guilds and communities I believe we could grow exponentially this year!
I have been a critic of Valueplan DHf funds but I will not repeat the reasons although I am still waiting for a report on almost 350k HBD spending and its results to have a more conclusive opinion. Saying that I see potencial on attracting niches from existing communities in the crypto/gaming world.
But first, I think we need to decide, or we want to grow in numbers of users just because, and we pay to attracts no matter who or do not pay and (exaggerating), all we can create 100 new accounts.
Or we want to grow in number of users but, at least some of, those users be able to add some value and just not stay for the rewards if rewards might pay their bills (and I have total respect to those that don't have money for a dignified life).
Anyway, I agree with you and the vision of onboarding specific communities and just hope not see the same errors repeated and hope some homework to improve and be more efficient. Marketing is a serious thing and I don't become marketing expert because I dreamed that I can do marketing, in Portugal we use to say "cada macaco no seu galho", a kind of "each one to his trade".
Not sure I understand correctly what you mean, but,
the hive reward pool is limited, I believe it generates around 80k hive per week (someone correct me if I'm wrong pls), if users aren't adding value to hive then the blame should be on those curating them. Now I know there are some stakeholders/curation projects that do this, but we have downvotes for the extreme cases. My point is that it doesn't really matter much, even today with the users we have here a lot of that 80k inflation most likely goes to exchanges, in the broad scheme of things this 80k is not a lot and especially not at these prices. You've been around crypto for a while so I know you know how much money there is out there, Elon could accidentally tag @hiveblocks once and we'd see the price soar above $10 in a heartbeat. The more important thing here is that we get users, we reward the good ones, we get developers, we get content creators, we get investors, etc and they stick around long enough to realize what hive is, what its potential is and everything else we know about it who are here today still.
Look at @theycallmedan for instance, he's one of few "sizeable" investors who bothered checking out hive, laid low for a long time posting, commenting and engaging with others before suddenly he invested heavily after he learned enough of what he needed to know and understood how hive treats its users and creators. There's potentially tens of thousands of theycallmedan's out there who not only are not aware of Hive but won't stick around to find out what it is exactly even if they got directly sent towards it. We would not need many of them to already see a big swing in price which then would cause an avalanche effect of more attention, us already being on the literally biggest exchange in the world is a big + so it's like a ticking time bomb of when we'd get the visibility we deserve compared to most of the garbage that exists out there.
So what we can do until then is make this place as good as it is/can get, "invest" in people we want to see grow alongside us based on their activities and value, thus curation. Create a diverse space for communities of all kinds to flourish so retention increases when new users do join so that they stick around long enough to learn more about Hive, start their own projects/dapps, start their own communities, start their true #web3 journey with all the advantages that Hive offers who won't look back at what they were doing before Hive.
Having said that, if we can mitigate wasteful spending, rewarding those where there's no hope that they'll bring some value to the table either short or long term, then I'm not saying that let them do whatever just cause the rewards in question are tiny in comparison to the rest of the space. I just think currently we're focusing our marketing efforts at the wrong things that will net us very little value back, even if there's been no milking/abuse of the valueplan funds from recipients the outcome of the results wouldn't be any different no matter who was behind the activities since the activities are somewhat flawed and old model to begin with and directed at the wrong audience.
I mean exactly this
and I'm not sure if we are going on the right direction and doing our best to get them. I would like that someone show me I'm wrong but I see some strategies more like personal beliefs than community strategies.
However, I agree with every word you wrote.
Full agree here. This is 'low hanging fruit' mass marketing thinking that did good in the 60–70s when people were still getting used to ads. The modern consumer has learned to tune this stuff out. It's only effective through brute force and overwhelming saturation.
Starting this month I'll be spending some time on researching 'Hive PR' strategies. In a nutshell:
@rubencress did a great job of layering the marketing lingo on top of the community idea proposed in the OP: develop a niche strategy of connecting Hive's USP to web3 communities that could use a solid social system. Make sure to educate incoming users on the ease of swapping in ETH or MATIC or whatever their "mainstream" chain is.
Anywho—as part of my Step 1 above, I can certainly spend some time flagging any Gods Unchained-esque communities I come across. Also happy to help with comms, messaging, or strategy development around positioning Hive's USP.
Try @indayclara @enginewitty @louis88 as well as those who are focused on the borehole projects, I forget their tags
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(9/10)@jfuji! to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
Thanks for the tip! :) !PIZZA
I think it's a great idea, aiming to onboard projects from different chains allowing them to earn from sharing their content and building a community base is huge. I had a similar idea and was going to start making some new accounts for some projects/p2e games I enjoy, I figure if I make the account for them, and show them how to get started, the transition from medium/reddit to hive is pretty painless, they don't even need to worry about the crypto side too much unless they want to.
Hopefully funding to do this on a bigger scale could happen, personally, for now, my plan is to get them posting (I figure is a good place to start) , to get the word out, and then they can make communities which we'll help build and grow. It would be great to work with a small team to make it possible, a few great minds could push many communities into Hive.
Had another thought about the marketing issues on Hive.
Could the multiple outputs of the "same" content be an issue? For example, this post will be available via ecency, peaked. hiveblog, plus any other outposts the tags allow.
Does this hinder the performance of posts in SEO rankings? Will it be flagged as plagiarism etc, or is there a "base" this post sits which is the key to SEO?
Hello perola face! I'm going to give an opinion, although I'm more out of place than a vegan in a butcher shop 🤣🤣 I'll talk about Hive as a social network... not as a company, because I can barely make it for the month....
So... why don't they try to add paid advertisements of hive directly in the "Web3" with really eye-catching and super nice content (who knows, even with puppet 😎🤣🤣🤣) in which they explain super nice what it is and how to use it... you know, something like when BINANCE shows you a future company and shows you in diagrams everything with a super dynamic background song. I don't know... maybe with good markenting planning you can reach someone without so much effort... sometimes less is more. Like you, I know we don't pay much attention to the ads but if you add subtly attractive ads and also start to see people showing fragments of their great work in various formats (video, audios, paintings) but with links like posh's constantly in other places that give a chance to vitalization... I think something good can happen.
What you say about the prizes is interesting but it would be cool if it were to be presented in this way (at least to new users) :
If you manage to get X amount of posts or X amount of comments on the account you got with the promotion link you will get a reward of X amount... then you try to get the person to make life and maybe fall in love with Hive in the process. Just a thought...
Already with the rest I declare myself furry ignorant 😅🤣.
A furry hug!!!
Was involved in some planning and marketing activities a few years ago and I believe that great products/services will advertise themselves. Retention is far more important than an invitation and what lies in between is satisfaction. Great things take time and I am patiently building on Hive. Hive has great potential is an understatement. See you all at the top. Keep up the great work guys :thumbsup:
~~~ embed:1612667940352176128 twitter metadata:MTQxNTE1NTY2MzEzMTQwMjI0MHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS8xNDE1MTU1NjYzMTMxNDAyMjQwL3N0YXR1cy8xNjEyNjY3OTQwMzUyMTc2MTI4fA== ~~~
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @themanualbot, @rzc24-nftbbg, @seckorama ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
I just noticed this ad below for the first time today on coingecko, I think it's a step in the right direction toward better HIVE marketing awareness. I'm not sure who came up with it, but I like it!

Here are seven important things we can do to help market hive, I used ai to brainstorm these ideas (source: Dall-E)
Use social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to share updates about HIVE Blockchain and engage with potential users.
Write blog posts or articles about HIVE Blockchain and publish them on your own website or on relevant industry blogs.
Attend conferences and events related to blockchain and cryptocurrency and network with other professionals in the industry.
Partner with other companies or organizations that have a strong presence in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.
Use email marketing to reach out to potential users and keep them up-to-date on the latest developments at HIVE Blockchain.
Run online advertising campaigns (i.e. on google ads) targeting users interested in blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve the visibility of your website and social media profiles in search engine results.
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Marketing and better user experience will definitely attract more people to hive. We are in an era that everyone are after the airdrops and all kind of rewards in order to use a platform. So we have to give more incentives and promote such partnerships
What we have here with contests, games, and the promise of free tokens for being active without the requirement of downloading a wallet or anything else would be extremely popular amongst the "discord and telegram rain room world".
This is where I obtained my first crypto, thanks to a friend inviting me to such a room where all you have to do is say hello.
When I was telling some friends from that era of my crypto life about Hive, unfortunately they weren't interested due to blogging and Splinterlands being the only major players.
Now with Dcrops, Rising Star, and other games plus threads? It just might be worth revisiting that particular type of crypto fan? I think we would need an easy quick start guide for getting started on shortform, finding the games, where to find the guilds on Discord, etc.
In general these are not people who will write 500 words in a sitting, but they'll happily chat all day every day. Many like games, and if promised pennies or less for playing will jump at it.
They're savvy about crypto, and most can spot a scam blindfolded. Many of them actually play with the scammers before blocking and reporting. A lot are extremely well established on discord and or telegram, and have decent twitter accounts.
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I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
wrestlingdesires tipped jfuji (x1)
(1/15) @jfuji tipped @wrestlingdesires (x1)
Please vote for pizza.witness!
I was following the onboarding of GU players during the bull run and I have to agree that it was a huge success. Now that I know the budget it was even bigger. Congrats on that.
I would rather see funds from the DAO spent on projects like this than any other form of traditional advertisement.
Targeting specific communities that are already populated with crypto-native people should be a priority. With their help spreading the word about Hive becomes much easier and the acquisition costs will surely be much lower in the long run than any other method we may come up with.
You are spot on with this. There really isn't any point that people could argue with IMO.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Es muy interesante todo lo que dices, impresionante todas las posibilidades y oportunidades que brinda Hive, desde que inicie tengo en el interés de crear una comunidad pero pienso que todavía me falta mucho, así que debo estudiar mas para estar preparado e informado y poder cuidarla. Muchas gracias por toda la información y agradezco todo lo que puedas informar a la comunidad de Hive, muchas gracias un abrazo.