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RE: Evilcorp: I do evil to stay competitive.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

yes thats happening now, corporate cryptop collusion. Lucky for us, it ends up with one guy liek elon musk and his friends in us military space command controlling it all and resetting system to decentralize for best long term security of america's warfighting ability ..... decentralization is an old us militarty plan look it up

u are all here becaus eof us military plan to dceentralize. earth is the way it is with BTC, ALL that IS today, si all becauis eof the US miliutary plan to decentralize

and basically we pinged satan and now we have a massive war with basicaly metaphorical hollow earth monster cities of 100 billion CCP users all trying to hack us and its gonna be a while befroe Americas governance blockchain smart contract is fully operational

but yeah these big cabal cor[porations are 100% trying to buy BTC

but when they do, we will dump it and SHORT IT TO THE GROUND



Sounds like you are having verbal diarrhoea lol

And yes I know about the start of the internet being a military concept.

And no they are now trying they are just going to do it in drips and drabs and the question is will you stop everyone from selling their stake in web3.0 because we are all greedy.

Everything has a price.