If this placed had less ways to be transparent, those downvotes would have just been anonymous and people would still wonder why their stuff gets disliked. A lot of people post content someone else out there in the world will find an atrocity to mankind on a daily basis. It's unreasonable to expect people will share something that get 100% support but it's only here where people can actually see who dislikes their stuff, gets a dose of reality that they can still be disliked for doing absolutely nothing, and even compounded by the fact that there are monetary consequences to that dislike.
My take on the matter is good content creators (if creating content for money is the game) can suck up the loses and move on. I have yet to see any content creator on youtube that has reached millions of views without any dislike on their videos because that's just part of the norm. I guess people are just too soft/sour to consider that once they want honesty (even when the reason can just be as absurd as choosing a wrong color scheme for a thumbnail on a post) it actually means getting the red pill that what their stuff can also be disliked just as it can be liked.
I don't question why someone bothers to upvote my stuff, safe to assume it got liked. And it probably is the same for downvotes, my stuff just probably isn't to someone's liking.
The major difference between a YouTube downvote and Hive, is the monetary attachment to it. But once we understand that as creators here, that it's part of the game...We are ok with it :)