
Hey thank you ! I spent quite a lot of time writing this because I was thinking what to add in and delete lol. No joke it could've been 5k or more if I added more stories in :'). I'm glad I basically got to redo my shitty introduction post when I first came on blogging. Ya this community is awesome and super supportive with finance and crypto related topics! I really like what they doing with threads and can't wait to power up on 15th to really be invested into the community literally. Thank you for reading and I Hope you also have the best of luck in your areas on blockchain as well!

Indeed leofinance is a great community that support everyone finance, it good to hear you want to invest in the community Token it's a great steps. See you on 15th for #Lpud. You can invite more of your friends to the community and the ongoing adoption campaign, it quite interesting and fun.

Welcome once again @Shawnnft

Ya I have invited a fair amount of friends. I think only a few actually got in but oh well they are missing out :'). You can lead the horse to water but you can't make them drink!

Thank you so much!