Recap- Breads: How To Kepp Your Community Engaged After Mint

Hello everyone, many of us confused about how community engage and keep their projects intact after mint, someone like me always think how is that possible or what does it take to keep a project afloat without having any issues. Yes the answer are given on a space with bread. Let me just briefly give you recap about what community means and the vital information share doing the space yesterday.

First thing a project need to do if wants to stay after mints is to have a project milestones which is an important thing discussion about on the space. According to what @Jorda Feda said, a project need to have something that always new for community to come around, doing this will help them to build more relationships with their community. Likewise as a community you have to give back by engaging, he even says that he never cares about anyone holding or not, once you give your time of day and appreciate what were doing he will rather consider that person a member of the community and will be treated with respect all because he dedicate his time and appreciate the project.

However, every business manager need to understand the importance of what they are doing, only if they know how the project is important, they will likely treat everyone with respect, and be there always for your community as well.


@iamgeographic, response to @bread question about how does it see failure. But the truth is that failure is like timeline that help you to grow. Every project don't need to run from it, rather find a way to balance the process of building your project in any circumstances. Furthermore being active is one of the major thing to put into practice, a project that doesn't want to fail have to be active and have a discussion, opening up a discussion about the project and getting feedback from the participants and people that are there for you, that is people who love what you are doing, the foundation of people who care and want to contribute.

There is another thing that a project that eant to stay for years need to put into practice, and that is vision statement. Project doesn't need yo go into market because they want to make a big profit because that is most founders want. Rather be clear in making a statement that will attract people to stay. Like @breads, mentioned they come clear to audience they want to build a company that eill be around for years and that alone inspired millions of people about their projects.

Another topic of ponzi scheme in crypto space was raised. The conversation say much about few companies that do that all because they see people are eager to make money with them, but at the end they can't stay for so long. That is true that everybody likes to make money and they join a community that they don't know anything about, but community that is being active and they have clear statement about their failure and success will likely going to stay for so long.

There are much talk surrounding this topics but only few vital information that you we can't deal without is to identify a real project.

Thanks For Reading

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