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RE: How do you value Human vs AI content?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

However, while the quality of images has gone up, the value of photography has gone down, because the cost to take a good image has been radically reduced.

Ah, I remember this was a hot debate during the transition from film to digital photography, especially when DSLRs finally eclipsed 35mm film in resolution sometime around 2015, which was when I made the video below haha. (Ignore the youthful looks and exuberance - I'm old and wrinkly now 😂)

I think AI has it's place as a tool. I see AI (like ChatGPT for instance) the same way as I see a Google search box (which has been AI this whole time by the way), and I treat it as such. I use it to create outlines, quick comparisons between two products, summarise articles so I don't have to read 10 pages, e.t.c. It also makes errors at the moment, but I'm sure that will improve over time.

By the way, I suspect AI played a little role in these photos of your little one? There's an AI'esque feel to it. 😂 - I can't remember if you mentioned it in the article and I missed it. I have the mind of a goldfish now haha.