Can Crypto build me a house?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Hi friends, how are you? Have a good day.


Today I did not speak at length, and did not narrate as early as possible. I just wanted to tell you a little about my economic situation. I'm going through an economic crisis. I have no money at all to achieve my wish. Just to eat, I have to bring lunch from home to work. Today my wife fried a piece of tuna that she bought at the market, and boiled kale. That's my meal for the past week during Covid-19. But that's not why I'm making it harder for me. But we are in need of a home for our children. My wife is very worried, with my unsupportive work. I am a regular barber, and besides that I write. But in my country, art work and the like won't make a lot of money, the dream of buying a private house and a luxury car is far from what it is. That is not a dream in our country, Indonesia. Did you know that my country is already forested with 600 Trillion, a reputation for the worst economy after the 1980s monetary crisis. All the money goes into the hands of government officials who want to send their children further. They are looking for various ways to seize it all. While small people like me only get wages, or the results of our daily hard work.

Friends, I'm very ashamed if I don't have a house. My daughter will surely curse me for the rest of her life, because she thinks dad has a lot of money because he is known as a writer, and as a journalist in his town. But alas, amateur journalists like me will get nothing out of it. Earn an income to support the children, unless I work as a contractor, or seek important government projects with local officials. Now I'm really confused. Can I put my hope in Blockchain? I think I will be very proud, if I get money from Hive or Leofinance, I will even design a custom logo for this project. My house will symbolize Leofinance or Hive. Like those Youtubers, they belong to their gods with what they can be proud of. And today, I really want it all.

You know guys, in my country especially where I live, the culture demands that parents have to build houses for their daughters. But, unfortunately. I didn't have time to save money for them. I have a few years to work. I left them two novels, and some other writings. I think, all my work will be my investment for my children in the future. I believed that literature would change my life forever, but I was wrong. However, behind my mistake. I'm sure that there are miracles that bring benefits to my text that can help my children later.

text that rules the world. Then why don't they just take state money for granted. In fact, it is the hard work of the creativity that has brought fortune to this country. The results of the text have made the paper sold so much, that the product produces per capita every year. Then what is the function of text, what is the use of my writing. As a writer I get nothing. the presence of writers who created texts just to give your lackeys in this world. Please enlighten my friend, greetings?

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The short answer to your question from the title is: YES, it can!

But, it will not crypto build your house, but you with your effort and hard work that you will invest to build your reputation here on HIVE... Sharing your thoughts, your ideas, your motivation... I can see that you can inspire others with your charisma, but don't expect that it will happen overnight...

Keep on creating quality content and you will be rewarded... and be patient... Wish you the best!

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project and it will be highlighted in the next post!

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