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RE: LeoThread 2024-10-26 15:20

in LeoFinance5 months ago

Conversation with ChatGPT-4o:


Write a python program that makes a database of the video files in the current folder, and prints in a text file the following data:

  • The combined time duration of all video files.
  • The average duration of all the video files time duration.
  • The median of the video files time duration in the folder.

Write the code in an easy to understand way, and make it easy to modify and add to. You can use third-party libraries as long as they're lighweight and require less of 1MB of download with pip. Explain each part of your codes, and provide alternative ways for doing some of the things you've done. Prioritize efficiency.

Use the comment style of lines starting with #

Edited Response in Chunks in Comments!


1: Conversation Summary

We discussed a Python program to gather video files in the current folder, calculate their combined, average, and median durations, and output these results to a text file. You wanted the output to show time in the format hours:minutes:seconds.fractions. I provided a solution using the moviepy library, with detailed explanations and comments to make the code easy to understand, extend, and modify.

The conversation includes:

  1. The main Python code with detailed comments.
  2. An explanation of the format_duration function that formats the time.
  3. Alternative approaches for efficiency and median calculation.

Below are the individual code and explanation chunks.

2: Main Python Code with Explanation

Here’s the main Python code that lists video files in the current folder, calculates durations, and outputs the combined, average, and median durations in hours:minutes:seconds.fractions format:

# Import necessary modules
import os
import moviepy.editor as mp
import statistics

# Set up list to hold video durations in seconds
video_durations = []

# Define a list of video file extensions for filtering
video_extensions = ['.mp4', '.mov', '.avi', '.mkv']

# Function to convert seconds to "hours:minutes:seconds.fractions" format
def format_duration(seconds):
    hours = int(seconds // 3600)
    minutes = int((seconds % 3600) // 60)
    secs = seconds % 60  # remaining seconds with fraction
    return f"{hours}:{minutes:02}:{secs:06.3f}"  # format with leading zeros for minutes, seconds, and fraction
# Get all video files in the current directory
for file in os.listdir('.'):
    # Check if the file is a video file based on its extension
    if any(file.endswith(ext) for ext in video_extensions):
            # Load the video file and get its duration
            video = mp.VideoFileClip(file)
            duration = video.duration  # Duration in seconds
            video.close()  # Close the file to free up resources
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error processing {file}: {e}")
# Calculate total duration, average, and median if there are video files
if video_durations:
    total_duration = sum(video_durations)
    average_duration = total_duration / len(video_durations)
    median_duration = statistics.median(video_durations)

    # Write results to a text file
    with open("video_duration_stats.txt", "w") as f:
        f.write(f"Combined duration of all video files: {format_duration(total_duration)}\n")
        f.write(f"Average duration of video files: {format_duration(average_duration)}\n")
        f.write(f"Median duration of video files: {format_duration(median_duration)}\n")
    print("Video duration stats have been saved to 'video_duration_stats.txt'")
    print("No video files found in the current directory.")

3: Explanation of format_duration Function

The format_duration function converts a duration in seconds into hours:minutes:seconds.fractions format for readability.

def format_duration(seconds):
    hours = int(seconds // 3600)
    minutes = int((seconds % 3600) // 60)
    secs = seconds % 60  # remaining seconds with fraction
    return f"{hours}:{minutes:02}:{secs:06.3f}"  # format with leading zeros for minutes, seconds, and fraction


  • hours = int(seconds // 3600) extracts the full hours from the total seconds.
  • minutes = int((seconds % 3600) // 60) calculates the remaining minutes after hours are subtracted.
  • secs = seconds % 60 captures the remaining seconds, including fractions.
  • f"{hours}:{minutes:02}:{secs:06.3f}" formats minutes and seconds with leading zeros and displays up to three decimal places for secs.

4: Explanation of Code Segments

  1. Importing Modules:

    import os
    import moviepy.editor as mp
    import statistics
    • os: Lists files in the directory.
    • moviepy.editor: Accesses VideoFileClip for video duration.
    • statistics: Calculates the median of the list.
  2. Filtering Video Files by Extension:

    video_extensions = ['.mp4', '.mov', '.avi', '.mkv']
    • This list helps identify video files by extension. Add/remove file types as needed.

4b. Explanation of Code Segments

  1. Scanning the Directory:
    for file in os.listdir('.'):
        if any(file.endswith(ext) for ext in video_extensions):
                video = mp.VideoFileClip(file)
                duration = video.duration
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Error processing {file}: {e}")
    • Checks if a file is a video, loads it, gets its duration, and closes it to free resources.
    • The try-except block helps handle errors for files that can’t be processed.

5: Calculating and Saving Statistics

if video_durations:
    total_duration = sum(video_durations)
    average_duration = total_duration / len(video_durations)
    median_duration = statistics.median(video_durations)

    with open("video_duration_stats.txt", "w") as f:
        f.write(f"Combined duration of all video files: {format_duration(total_duration)}\n")
        f.write(f"Average duration of video files: {format_duration(average_duration)}\n")
        f.write(f"Median duration of video files: {format_duration(median_duration)}\n")
    print("Video duration stats have been saved to 'video_duration_stats.txt'")
    print("No video files found in the current directory.")


  • Calculates total_duration, average_duration, and median_duration.
  • open("video_duration_stats.txt", "w") writes the results to a text file.

Chunk 6: Alternative Approaches

  1. Alternative to moviepy:

    • Consider ffmpeg-python for video duration extraction if you need higher efficiency, especially with large files.
  2. Manual Median Calculation (Alternative to statistics):

    n = len(video_durations)
    median_duration = (video_durations[n//2] if n % 2 != 0 else 
                      (video_durations[n//2 - 1] + video_durations[n//2]) / 2)
    • Sorts the list and calculates the median based on whether the number of items is even or odd.