1 /🧵- Digimon Hacker Memory Screenshots
Beware of the Minor Spoilers.This #threadstorm of my screenshots from my play-through of this game from last year. Mostly my Digimon team.
1 /🧵- Digimon Hacker Memory Screenshots
Beware of the Minor Spoilers.This #threadstorm of my screenshots from my play-through of this game from last year. Mostly my Digimon team.
the artwork is quite cool
This is arguably the best artwork in a Digimon game, only rivaled by Digimon Survive which came after it.
Thanks for checking this out. I'll continue to post some other screenshots under this thread. Look forward to it.
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This is my first Digimon. A Betamon.
...His Digivolutions were my favorite out of the three options (the other two being Tentomon & Gutsumon.)
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Meeting Erika for the first time.
Back then I didn't know she'll become my favorite character in the game.
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Missing the 'other' protagonist in the last moment.
Also, "Who could've imagined the internet will be like this?" #web3 #techtuesday
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Meeting the acquaintances of the Cybersleuth for the first time. Mirei is as mysterious as ever.
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Meeting Wormmon! Who would've known this little buglet who introduced us to the Digital World, will become such an essential member of the team?
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Getting a message from K ...and doing missions for him. At this point, I decided I should have Lunamon in my time. She's so cute.~
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The origin of "Hudie" & the parable of "The Butterfly Dream." It works amazingly with the game's themes. Dreams & Reality. Digital & Actual.
#techtuesday #threadstorm
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For more about "The Butterfly Dream" you could look it up online. It's a story about a man who dreamt of being a butterfly and didn't know which version of him is the dream. A man, or a butterfly.
Nice, the first time I see a #threadstorm like that. Did you finish the game? Does it have an end?
Yup, this game has an ending and I finished it. (The ending is bittersweet, I almost cried.) It took me +100hrs to beat! (I could finish it in 20hrs if I played it again.)
I'll post more in this thread, but won't post every chapter of it.
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My early-game team.
The Rookies I beat the first few missions with.
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This is when I realized I could digivolve my "Lunamon" to "Sistermon Ciel." One of my favorite #digimon.
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Won't put screenshots of most Side-Quests' Villains, but this one's just too fitting for #leofinance ...A #money loving villain with no morals!
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The Mad Scientist Appears!
No digimon #game or #anime is complete without a suspicious old man & cryptic speech! ...This also one of the first fights against eaters.
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Toys get frustrated because Kids are into #ipads ...Typical #techtuesday, isn't it?
ToyAgumon(s) fought me for relatable reasons!
Sadly, I had to defeat them!
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The Disappearing Elevator is a very memorable early quests in Digimon Hacker's Memory. Such an intriguing mystery.
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Meeting Arata! (A protagonist of Digimon Cybersleuth.)
My team reached Champion-level. Look at Lekismon's attack!
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One of the many big fight I'd have with Eaters. My Champion level team:
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Meeting Yuugo! ...and getting the first mission from him: Join Demons and be our Double Agent!
Isn't it too much?
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The Digital Aquarium Case. I loved the story but has a sad ending. The mindset of this woman, though... What is reality?
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Meeting Yuuko. It's funny how her first case is about helping her act like a #friend. We give her a book to help, but she copies the wrong character.
No wonder she's awkward in Digimon Cybersleuth.
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JimiKen, the (current) leader of Demons. Despite him looking like a #satanic. He's very compelling & I love the character development he goes through.
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Crescemon. My first Ultimate-level Digimon. It's a Digimon I kept de-digivolving to to earn more Ability Points. #gamingwednesday
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Erika lost conscious, spent a few days in the hospital, then got discharged.
When she explained her treatment, I started developing my theory on the game's title "Hacker's Memory." #gamingwednesday
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I didn't realize it at the time, but this is how Chitose's Angemon joined the team. The story's so connected!
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Chitose's Angemon becomes an integral part of his team later in the game. By that point, I completely forgot that he was originally Yuri's partner. Chitose's crush early into the game.
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Cool #threads, aren't they? This guy must be looking at #leothreads right now. Haha
#threadstorm #gmfrens
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Digimon Hacker's Memory in my opinion.These are #screenshots from the darkest quest in
(More in a reply.)