
What is Node.js

  • 📆 Introduced in 2009 by Ryan Dahl at the annual European JS conference
  • 🌟 Allows writing server-side applications in JavaScript
  • 🚀 Built on top of the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine
  • 📊 Capable of executing JS code outside of a web browser

Use Cases for Node.js

  • 🚀 Primarily used for non-blocking event-driven servers
  • 🎮 Used for building multiplayer web browser games
  • 📈 Used for creating real-time applications and complex single-page applications
  • 🌐 Used for developing back-end app services and websites

Node.js Frameworks and Tools

  • 🤝 Thousands of libraries built upon Node.js by the community
  • 📚 Some notable libraries include Egg.js,, Next.js, Media, Koa, and Express.

Benefits of Learning Node.js

  • 📈 Easy to get started and used for prototyping and agile development
  • ⚡️ Provides fast and highly scalable services
  • 🌐 Large ecosystem for open-source libraries
  • 📁 Source code is cleaner and consistent
  • 📜 Uses JavaScript everywhere, making it easy for JavaScript programmers to build back-end services

Node.js in Web Development

  • 🌟 Offers complete web development, supporting both front-end and back-end development