Part 1/7:
Gamra The Brave: A Tale of Friendship and Sacrifice
In a turbulent era set in Japan in 1973, chaos reigns as giant monsters known as Kaiju wreak havoc across the city. Amongst the destruction, we meet a young boy named Kos, who is transfixed by the brutal battles unfolding before him. However, among the roars and fireballs, emerges a colossal turtle known as Gamra, who quickly becomes a symbol of hope and strength.
The Battle of Kaiju: Rise and Fall
The peaceful existence of the city is shattered as intense battles between Kaiju unfold. Gamra, though gravely injured by overpowered attacks, displays remarkable courage, sacrificing itself to protect humanity. As the fiery chaos subsides, years pass, and we transition to Kos's life as a grown man, now a father to a young boy named Toru.