Part 2/8:
Frodo's Sting is first introduced during the Fellowship's journey through Moria, where it emits a distinctive blue glow. This illumination serves as a warning signal for the presence of orcs, whether goblins, uruks, or general orcs. The significance of this glow, however, is just one facet of Sting's fascinating narrative that intertwines with the broader lore of Middle-earth.
The Origins of Other Legendary Swords
Apart from Sting, two other significant swords—Glamdring and Orcrist—also emerge during the trilogy of The Hobbit. These blades, along with Sting, are discovered in a treasure trove guarded by trolls. When the trolls are vanquished, Bilbo, Gandalf, and the dwarves find not just gold but legendary weapons that transcend ordinary arms.