Part 3/6:
- Switch sides, completing a total of five repetitions on each side.
Next, we move into a seated stretch known as Chuhanasa, flexing our feet which keeps the toes pointed up for a deeper stretch in the hamstrings.
Surya Namaskar: The Sun Salutation Sequence
As we stand, it’s time to begin the heart of our practice with Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), repeating this sequence five times:
Chair Pose: Inhale and extend the arms while bending the knees.
Folding Forward: Exhale and fold, keeping the spine long.
Half Forward Fold: Inhale while looking forward.
High Plank: Move to a high plank position by stepping back.
Chaturanga: Lower down into a push-up position before transitioning into Cobra or Upward Facing Dog.