
I'd really like to know because I believe the only thing that should matter about NFTs is what problem it can solve

I tend to think that NFT itself doesn't necessarily have to be profitable. Imagine, for example, a citizen's identification documents and records being on blockchain, how could this help speed up public and private services? Now imagine property and company documents all being auditable, how much easier this would make things regardless of whether it was profitable or not.

Your answer makes perfect sense. But, unfortunately, the idea that NFTs are sold is that they can be profitable. So it's difficult to think of its usefulness in any way other than producing some source of income.

One of the uses is to tokenize assets like houses or gold. That why you would add liquidity to them, you can trade them at real time. Also, you could invest with lower amount of money, making it easier to diversify your investments. amazing uses of RWA = Real World Assets.