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RE: The Bare Minimum

in LeoFinancelast year

Adapting to the ever-changing work landscape is crucial, and while the pursuit of a fulfilling career is important, it's equally vital to maintain a sense of realism and avoid becoming overly fixated on it 😣

I recently came across a survey among younger generations where a significant number expressed aspirations to become influencers. While the allure of glitz and glamour may be appealing, I have concerns, as this path may not be suitable for everyone. It's important to remember that the influencers we see on social media are often the success stories, and there are many others who have tried and not succeeded 😢


Very few paths are suitable for everyone, which is also part of the problem with the jobs people choose. If someone who would make a better mechanic is trying to do an office job, will they burnout faster?

When individuals pursue jobs that don't align with their inherent skills and interests, burnout can become a real concern. A lack of fulfillment, a mismatch of skills and interests, elevated stress levels, and reduced job performance definitely leads to a faster burnout 😣