Morning thoughts on crypto from BTC's rise in value.

in LeoFinance4 months ago

At the time of writing BTC is at an all time high (ATH) of $88k USD.

There is no negative feeling at the very moment since Trump won the election. One of his main stated goals is to hold BTC as a viable asset class for the US government to help with its trillion dollar deficit.

I look at the growing number of nation states starting to get involved with BTC either by have government resources directly mining of the tokens, making the network even more secure. We all know the more nodes there are in the BTC network the more secure it is as a whole.

I cannot say for certain if the US will also start doing this in the not too distant future but looking at the slow adoption of BTC as a viable asset class for government financial instruments it would be wise for these countries to start securing the network they will be adopting as their reserve.

More over I think in the coming months there will be lots of institutions also looking at the current environment and seeing a shift in paradigm as to what will be an adopted asset class. Of course the early adopters will be the big winners but an asset that is secure with a finite amount guaranteeing economic growth through the printing of unlimited amounts of so called cash.

Mind you I will still have to start thinking about having physical assets in a portfolio because that is just the old adage of not having all your eggs in one basket.

Not financial advise, more an observation of the current state of things happening this very moment in time.

What do you think?

Is the future bright for crypto? Or is this just another wishful thinking. Of course bringing it back to Hive as a blockchain I think having more BTC reserves held within Hive Engine will ensure the network will hold more validity as a good storage facility for holding and movement of BTC without the fees being involved.

The future is bright for Hive and the crypto market.

I will leave it at that.

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