It's a little late, but on Fridays, the GNU/Linux community carries out an activity called #ViernesDeEscritorio (#DesktopFriday) where we share screenshots of our Linux desktop. It is something symbolic and dissemination, to publicize the system and how well configurable and versatile it is.
Hello fren nice post. If you add the tag numbers like this 1/ 🧵
it would help the readers navigate with ease
Keep posting and sharing & stay positive
Thank you very much for your suggestion, you are right, I will use it in the next one.
You are welcome fren
I have shared a post with my change back to Arch Linux with KDE Plasma desktop, as well as some problems I am having. I hope you can read it and leave me your comments.
I also invite you to participate, if you are a #Linux user, share the screenshot of your desktop.