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RE: When was the last time you checked your witness votes? Was it the Steem/Hive hard fork? Or Never?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

@kennyskitchen First, I’m not one for self-gratification, but then again, I’m usually late to the party - so I was very proud to see that I was the first to reblog this post, or at least I think I was - if not, please disregard :)

Ok. Next I want to follow up on the question above. I’m curious about this too, but just curious.

I do remember reading in one of your recent posts that you’re planning to leave. I like what you stand for and I would really hope to be able to stay here since I’m kind of attached to the content I have been and will continue to be posting. While I’m curious your response to this question, I don’t at this time see you as someone who’s acting with dubious intentions. If there is a new project coming up, is it fair to assume you don’t have interests still here? At the start of this post I thought maybe you’d changed your mind and decided to fight to fix what you see as wrong from within, which I though was really hopeful.

The free speech aspect is why I chose to set roots here, like two weeks ago. Your first post about this made my heart sink. I had just found a home for safe and protected free speech, and then that. I tried to rationalize it in my mind. I’m posting about making fermented drinks and ruck marching and magick. No one cares, nor will there likely ever be a reason someone should want to silence me aggressively, don’t rock the boat. These witnesses are probably just trying to protect the mainstream viability of the platform, since maybe most people don’t want to here or see things that defy the asshole narrative that’s being crammed down everyone’s throats… woo woo woo. So for a moment I have to admit, I was going to let this shake out however the hell without getting involved, but then it clicked.

See, for that post and each one since, I’ve typed and deleted at least three long responses. I never posted one though, because I didn’t want voicing my support to cost me the support of others. The opportunity to make money for my posts (and the fear of damaging that potential) was almost enough to keep me silent - particularly because I tend to post pretty benign shit - but in truth like I said, the biggest appeal when I came here was the ability for people to speak freely. My content isn’t under attack now, but if I stay silent while yours is, there will be no one to help when it comes for me, and while I don’t post anything controversial or counter-fuckery, I love basking in the brilliant work of others such as yourself that does exactly that. So I have every reason to stand in support.

I’ve proxied my votes to you for this account and my six little broke ass communities. They have no accrued value at this time, but I am in vehement opposition to censorship. So thank you. I’m going to go back to lurking and posting my benign shit now :)


See, for that post and each one since, I’ve typed and deleted at least three long responses. I never posted one though, because I didn’t want voicing my support to cost me the support of others. The opportunity to make money for my posts (and the fear of damaging that potential) was almost enough to keep me silent - particularly because I tend to post pretty benign shit - but in truth like I said, the biggest appeal when I came here was the ability for people to speak freely. My content isn’t under attack now, but if I stay silent while yours is, there will be no one to help when it comes for me, and while I don’t post anything controversial or counter-fuckery, I love basking in the brilliant work of others such as yourself that does exactly that. So I have every reason to stand in support.

Safety in numbers. Theres a lot more people just like you. I myself started bringing up these issues earlier this year and didnt talk about it too much before. It is the elephant in the roon.

The main question is this:

Is the Ethos of Hive people getting along and earning crypto for posting content, or is it the whim of a few millionaires who get to decide if you earn or not. I sincerely hope we can all move forward and ideological downvoting comes to an end and we can just focus on growing the chain.

I’m on board! I don’t care nearly as much about profiting from my content as I do about sharing it and getting conversations started. And I care less about both of those things than I do about protecting free speech and information, so really I’m disappointed in myself for having ever questioned it, but I’m going to give myself a hug, say “It’s ok buddy, you’re here now, so don’t beat yourself up,” and I’m going to say “be damned” to anyone who chooses to stop socializing with me because I take a stand for free speech. You push a man of peace too deep into a corner, and you knight him into a man of action. This is bigger than Hive.

Thanks for your response and encouragement :)

🧙‍♂️ Ksapa hwo!

That's a very respectable position. I hope current events helps those who were complacent in the past to come to a similar revelation.

Thanks - I hope so too! :)