If you only had a few months or years to live, what would you immediately spend less time doing?
Well, cut that thing out now, not later.
If you only had a few months or years to live, what would you immediately spend less time doing?
Well, cut that thing out now, not later.
Nothing. I live so productive:))
That's a great question. Made me pause for a while and think. I'd stop spending time on planning and just go places already.
I just realized I'd like to spend less time complaining; even to myself.
Aah, that's a great one! It's a breath of fresh air once we stop doing that :)
I'd spend less time seeing my doctor.
No need to cut that out now.
I would stop not enjoying life as it is.
Do you remember Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory?
The song when they enter the factory goes...
If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it...
I love that line.
I guess it's about making a choice.