Feature request for @threespeak: Make it so we're able to upload an .srt (captions file) to our video after we've uploaded it. This will give access to people that speak other languages. I might be tempted to add Korean captions and make some Korean frens.
Gud and interesting idea!
Excellent idea! This would place the functionality nearly on par with youtube.
Yes. We need to develop and refine tools like these to keep users using them.
Good idea! Not a video guy myself but can see the benefits in that
It's a super useful feature that YouTube has. You can upload a a video and then work on captions later. With the AI tools that are available now, transcribing a video is about 60-70% automatic and the rest manual. It depends on how technical and how fluid the speakers are.
Yeah, I tried that once with YT and it did amazing job, all I had to do afterwards was to correct few mistakes and capital letters and spaces. I remember I didn't have to spent much time at all with that!
also need keychain compatibility