Welcome, welcome! I’m happy to tell that Santa Jump: Memo Gift is published now. You can download it on Google Play.
This is a review of a 2 month work. Let's go!
First, I made a building with windows. And implemented emission on them.
Then I worked on isometric camera. Limited character to move only around the house.
Modeled giftboxes and Santa in blender.
Implemented animation and sounds for Santa.
Searched a Save System for game and found one interesting plugin.
Then I added covered snow for all the elements on scene.
After, I worked on gift system.
When user gathers a gift, he needs to remember it. And lately match them with giftboxes. I thought of that as a cool decision to show ads.
Added sound surrounding for menu buttons.
Made a workaround with optimization. Occlusion Culling, Baking lightmap, baking reflection probe and other stuff. That helped me to improve graphics.
Then I added dozen levels more, new windows with turning on/off lighting, double jump.
Modeled a lollipop for Santa and icicle for window. Santa can break it down to move upper.
Added timer to game. It can help user to challenge himself.
Then implemented settings page with sounds, music and graphics.
Main menu screen. Links, main sound theme for game.
Levels screen.
Asynchronous loader.
Snow effect for game and menu scenes.
Fixed a bug with building overlapping.
Added a credits page, small fixes for levels layout.
Android back button.
Workaround with ads through hint and gift for author.
Added snow button for settings and hid the hdr button.
Changed all the icons because of necessary attribution.
Implemented localization.
Last time I tried to play SJ as much as possible to understand what disappoints me and what is implemented nicely.
And I figured out that I don’t want to guess quiz sometimes and I just want to have a button for skipping that stuff.
So, I did it.
I want also to recall you that for now I consider of avoiding interstitials ads. All ads are shown by pressing the button. Don’t want see ads – don’t press. That’s simple.
I made some changes for vertical layout of buildings.
I saw some bugs with auto scroll to element in a grid layout.
And after all that work my game is published. I’m thankful for everyone who supports me in this or that way. Check out Santa Jump: Memo Gift on Google Play! And write you feedback, it is much appreciated.
And that’s all for now. Bye!
If you haven’t play for my last game Bus Driver. I encourage you to test it out. Hop on the bus, collect all passengers on the way, earn coins and discover more routes! Link to Google Play in description.
If you want to ask me some questions about game development or be the first testers, welcome to Discord Server: https://discord.gg/FtMrUaaBw3
🎅 Santa Jump Devlog
🚍 Bus Driver Devlog 🐦 Follow on Twitter https://twitter.com/NikfortGames 😊 Subscribe on Youtube https://youtube.com/@nikfortgames?sub_confirmation=1 🎮 Other NK games on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Nikfort+Games
Perfect! Congratz with game release!
Thanks man!
Congratulations on the release 🎄🎇
Thank you!
Great post