milestone reached

in LeoFinance4 years ago



you've might have read that I'm real enthusiastic about, as it was my first DeFi project. I know that it does not deliver the huge returns as other DeFi projects, but for a normal sane person the return of 200%+ shall be amazing.

Yes, we have a decline in price, but I think this will recover or at least I hope this. I've bought CUB at $4, so at the moment I'm at a loss if I would sell today.

I'm not selling, on the contrary, I'm buying more every day, adding to the stash of the staked coins. I've reached 2000+ CUB-BUSD LP staked, which is a major thing as I've started with some hundreds lower.

Now, I will want to diversify and will increase some other liquidity pools stakes and the CUB Den.

On the pools, I'm putting my LEO to work on the LEO-BNB liquidity pool.

The project is to be seen as a mid-long term plan. As some valuable member is saying, just let it grow for a couple of years, what I'm doing right now. The plan is to keep it at least till 2025, of course, if there are no changes in the project that would force me to sell.

With the new additions coming in, it will just increase in value, or at least this is my point of view on this matter.

Do you use If yes, how long do you plan to stay in?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Normal sane people? in defi?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes! :)

Where else? Working 50 years to find out that you are broke is more sane?

Have a !BEER mate!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

BEERHey @nealmcspadden, here is a little bit of from @alexvan for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

2025 is just around the corner and if something catastrophic doesn't happen then you will feel very good about having kept that bet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

4 years are a lot in crypto. :)

I was in 2016 in here, been on the wave of 2017 and the despair of 2018. We might see another cycle till 2025 with the market crashing till then.

Thank you for droping by!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations! I stake at the moment 256 CUBs and wait so much for the Kingdoms feature!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations! Keep on them and let them grow! I hope and think that this 256 CUBs might pay your living in a few years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I do hope so!

Do you use If yes, how long do you plan to stay in?

I do use Cub Finance using my LEO earnings on enter the pools. Its not much but I plan on adding to it each month and I plan to stay there for years if nothing changes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am just curious why the CUB prize has gone that shitty? I have not staked that much but it is a bit sad and upsetting to see this decline, same goes for the LEO prize - why did that crash so hard recently that even I bough some LEO hoping it can not go down a lot more but maybe some guys are right that see such tokens are not needed?

There will be hardly a direct answer, so we will see.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I know that it does not deliver the huge returns as other DeFi projects, but for a normal sane person the return of 200%+ shall be amazing.

More than 200%? Really? That is insanely huge and unbelievable.

You are in the same pools I am, nice!

Keep in mind, you are talking about going into the BLEO/BNB pool. That was kinda set up weird and the amount of LP tokens you will get in that pool is super tiny. It's kinda hard to explain why that is, but I know it freaked me out when I staked into that pool. @edicted very kindly explained it to me on the LEO discord why that is. But it is pooling APR like it should be.

I wanted to give you a heads up so you don't freak out like I did. Congrats on the staking! I'm a HODL or die type of person myself, and I dig $CUB

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Keep grinding tho.

Looking for kingdoms to go live, plus marketing once leobridge reaches $10k + per swap.

Fun times tho.

I have been using CUB since it launched and I have been slowly adding to my stake. I don't even think I could quote a price that I bought in at because it has been a little bit here and there. Wow, 2000 in the BUSD/CUB Farm... That is awesome. Good for you. I am a little bit shy of that. I am pretty close to having 1000 CUB in the Den too. Slowly but surely I will get there!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta