We have the #februaryinleo initiative, and today we got #wednesdaytech., with the question, what is the best equipment, that I've acquired.
We have the #februaryinleo initiative, and today we got #wednesdaytech., with the question, what is the best equipment, that I've acquired.
2/5🧵well, for me something is good, if it frees time and produces money.
3/5🧵so, my best equipment is a laptop, that I take everywhere.
4/5🧵Laptop, as it is portable, and can be used everywhere in the world. Also, I chose a reliable brand, with a very good cost/benefit ratio.
5/5🧵if you want to read more, you can do it on: https://inleo.io/@alexvan/the-best-piece-of-equipment-acquired #februaryinleo gosh